  • 學位論文


Corporate Strategy and Business Model in Taiwan's Banking Industry

指導教授 : 洪世章


金管會期許國銀業者以成為大型區域銀行為目標,並以仍具發展潛力之亞洲區域市場為布局對象。在此一前提下,本國銀行業者布局海外市場,轉移業務重心,解決國內經營環境過度競爭所衍生之問題。   台灣銀行業利差小、自由化造成的經營環境過度競爭(overbanking),衝擊國內市場獲利表現。中央銀行與金融監督管理委員會(簡稱金管會)統計資料顯示,台灣銀行業淨利差平均僅略高於1%。國內市場競爭激烈,銀行資產規模小,最大的臺灣銀行為例,總資產為4.19兆新台幣,還未及中國工商銀行資產(2016年約24兆人民幣)的5%,獲利能力低等等因素,銀行業無不積極尋求海外機會及產品業務移轉。   為提升台灣銀行業的國際競爭力,政府鼓勵國銀「走出台灣、布局亞洲」 ,特別是金融滲透率相對較低的東南亞國協(簡稱東協)更是重點目標,同時期望在未來3至5年內我國能夠出現大型區域銀行。   本研究主要探討台灣銀行業海外發展;以及金融服務數位化的進展,由銀行銀行3.0從金融主體出發,旨在金融服務數位化、行動化,走到銀行4.0 FinTech跳脫金融業格局下的發展方向及未來。 在現有全球金融機構國際化、自由化銀行業過度競爭環境,以及面對科技創新的新網路金融變革下,消費者需要的是全球化、one-shop的產品與服務外,以及跳脫傳統金融業,帶領金融機構創新轉型下所能提供的更多元快速便利的金融服務。本研究首先進行機會辨識與分析現有市場,並運用一系列的決策分析,找出企業的終極的未來發展方向。本文末的研究建議及策略,可提供銀行業業務策略規劃方向,找出在競爭環境及創新世界的長期優勢;企業的未來發展方向及經營方式的行動與投資,除審慎分析經營環境外,仍須評估自身能力後,經由策略管理程序找出定位,進而整合一套最適經營策略,方得以應瞬息萬變的經營環境。 關鍵字:過度競爭、金融服務數位化、策略、決策分析後的長期優勢


The Financial Supervisory Commission ("FSC") aspires that the state-owned banks to target large-scale regional banks and target Asian regional markets that still have potential for growth。 Under this aspiration, domestic banking companies will expand overseas markets, mix their business focus, and solve problems arising from excessive competition in the domestic business environment。   Net Interest Margin compression of Taiwan’s banking industry as well as the over-banking of the operating environment caused by liberalization has affected the profitability of the domestic market。 According to statistics from the Central Bank and, FSC that the average net interest spread of the banking industry in Taiwan is only slightly higher than 1%。 The domestic market is relatively competitive and the bank assets are small。 The largest Taiwanese bank, for example, has a total assets of NTD4。19 trillion。 It has beyond 5% of the assets of ICBC。 The banking industry has actively looking Overseas opportunities and to find the way to mix product and/ or business transfer。 To promote the international competitiveness of Taiwan’s banking industry, the government encourages Bank “to go out of Taiwan and deploy Asia” In particular, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which has a relatively low financial penetration rate, is a key target。 It is expected that a large regional bank would be cooked in the next three to five years。 This study is mainly addressed the strait bank industry is facing from  three phases of overseas development of Taiwan's banking industry: 1) Undeveloped: Cooperate and implement government policies; 2) Development period: Financial freedom and internationalization policies; 3) Growth period: Follow-up enterprise internationalization; as well as  Financial services of digitalization is initiated by Banking Bank 3。0 from financial entities, aiming at digitalization and activism of financial services, and it has come to Bank 4。0 FinTech to significantly impact the development direction and future of the financial industry。 In current global financial institutions' globalization, liberalization of the over-competitive banking environment, and the transformation of new cyber finance in the face of technological innovation, consumers need globalization, one-shop products and services。 The bank industry will lead the financial institutions to provide more rapid, convenient and convenient financial services under the innovative transformation。 This study first identifies opportunities and analyzes markets, and uses a series of decision-making analysis to find out the ultimate future direction。 The research proposals and strategies at the end of this study aims to provide direction for banking business strategy planning, identify long-term advantages in the competitive environment and the world of innovation; the future development accompanying with its actions and wau forward, depends on careful analysis of business environment。 Each bank shall assess their abilities and capabilities prior to identifying their positioning through strategic management procedures and integrate a set of optimal business strategies in order to respond to the ever-changing business environment。 Keywords: Long-term advantage after excessive competition, digitization of financial services, strategy, decision making analysis


1. 上海商業銀行年報,2016 ,http://www.scsb.com.tw/content/about/about04_c_01.jsp。
2. 中央銀行,2017 ,中華民國金融統計月報,台北市:中央銀行。
3. 中信銀年報,2016,https://www.ctbcbank.com/CTCBPortalWeb/appmanager/ebank/rb?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=TW_RB_CM_service_000011。
4. 中信金控投資人關係網站,http://ir.ctbcholding.com/c/index.php。
5. 中國工商銀行年報,2016,
