  • 學位論文


The Study of applying Virtual Reality on the Right Fielder's defense Training of baseball

指導教授 : 區國良


摘要 台灣棒球發展逾百年,除了在世界棒壇獲獎無數外,更是國內普及率極高的運動,擁有國球的稱號,一般民眾對於棒球比賽的相關知識與其他運動比較也相對豐富。仍然可以發現在國際比賽中出現許多守備戰術失誤的情況,反映出球員基礎培訓工作依然存在著改進的空間。而培養球員的正確基礎概念,應該在球員最早接觸該運動的初學階段即開始進行,目前少棒的教學環境多為強化投打能力的設備,並且使用示範教學為主的模式,僅能適用於投打接捕等基礎動作,而在補位與戰術的觀念上,因變數較多、需要空間較大,實務上較難以進行。 虛擬實境技術所提供的沉浸性與互動性可以模擬出球場空間與其他角色取代人力,利用虛擬實境設備進行情境式學習,取代舊有的紙本教材及口頭講述,讓學習者有機會可以體會更豐富的訓練情境及接近真實的經驗。 本論文重點為利用虛擬實境建構出相關的場景,模擬出球場環境與情境,提供球員學習補位技巧及相關戰術已進行實驗。共有31名社區棒球隊與小學棒球社團學員參與實驗。藉由精準的定位與數據紀錄分析發現透過虛擬實境輔助與實際練習下,球隊的技術水平有顯著提升,並發現成功率與反應時間有顯著關聯,得以協助教師或教練教導學生棒球球技的練習。 關鍵字:虛擬實境、情境式學習、棒球基礎訓練。


ABSARTCT Baseball has been a popular sport in Taiwan for several years, actually, it is the most famous and well-known sport in Taiwan. However, the national baseball teams made some unforced mistakes in the international games in recent years, especially when they were in fields. It means that the players' basic actions need to be improved when training. In practice, baseball training requires a big space and different roles of players at the same time. Nonetheless, in smaller schools, it is difficult for students to practice baseball and improve their skills in filed when they do not have enough space and players. Virtual reality (VR) techniques provide an immersive and interactive opportunity for students to practice and play baseball in classrooms. The VR techniques provide baseball teams situated learning environments to build virtual baseball fields and set up the roles of player for students to practice baseball skills. Therefore, students could learn the baseball skills repeatedly, anywhere and anytime. This study focuses on how to build a VR based training environment for primary school baseball players in filed. An experiment was conducted and 31 students who are the members of baseball teams at primary school and community were enrolled in this experiment. The results illustrate that with the help of virtual reality training sessions, the skills of baseball filed are improved, meanwhile, relationships between the learning performance and the time gap of reaction are useful for teachers and coaches when assisting students to learn. Keywords: virtual reality, situated learning, baseball basic training.


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