  • 學位論文

「黃老無為」與「漢承秦制」 ——透過對《二年律令》的解讀

A study on the relationship between the theory of Huang Lao and HAN’s Inheritance to QIN’s system ——Through the interpretation of the Two Years Law of ZhangJiaShan Bamboo slips

指導教授 : 林聰舜




In 221 B.C., Qin Shi Huang(秦始皇)unified the country, but the Qin Dynasty has come to the end in only fifteen years. Han Empire criticized and reflected on the despotic rule of Qin. And afterwards Han Dynasty chose the thought of Huang Di and Lao Zi(黃老思想) as their new politic principles. They advocate that to recover from a social upheaval and restore the development, and abolished numerous harsh laws of the former Qin Dynasty. On the other side, Han Dynasty inherited the legal system of the Qin Dynasty(漢承秦制). This is two sides of politics in the early Han Dynasty. These two issues seemingly contradictory, yet both of them can be coexist in Han dynasty. By through the interpretation of Two Years Law of ZhangJiaShan Bamboo slips(《二年律令》), this two sides of politics can be coexist because the thought of Huang Di and Lao Zi is accord on the political situation of the early Han dynasty. The legal system of Qin Dynasty has its value and accord on the society and people of Han dynasty. The Tao and Law of thought of Huang Di and Lao Zi make the inheritance possible.


一、 古籍文獻(以下書目次序根據漢語拼音編排)
(一) 經
1. [晉]郭璞注,[宋]刑昺疏,[清]阮元校勘,《爾雅注疏》,《十三經注疏附校勘記》,臺北:藝文印書館股份有限公司,2013年。
2. [漢]何休注,[唐]徐彥疏,[清]阮元校勘,《春秋公羊傳注疏》,《十三經注疏附校勘記》,臺北:藝文印書館股份有限公司,2013 年。
3. [漢]孔安國傳,[唐]孔穎達等正義,[清]阮元校勘,《尚書正義》,《十三經注疏附校勘記》,臺北:藝文印書館股份有限公司,2013年。
