  • 學位論文


Semantic Segmentation via Global Convolutional Network and Concatenated Feature Maps

指導教授 : 張隆紋


自從Long 等人發表了基於經訓練的分類卷積類神經網路(CNN)的完全卷積網路(FCN),更多的方法開始用分類CNN來建構他們的語意分割CNN並在許多具挑戰性的資料集上取得一流的表現。由於ResNet在2015年取得了ImageNet分類競賽的冠軍,大部分的分割CNN選擇將他們的網路建構在 ResNet 之上。 去年,黃等人提出了一個新的分類CNN名叫DenseNet。在這之後Jégou等人僅僅用一連串的DenseNet建構模塊來建造他們的整個分割CNN,名叫FC-DenseNet,就在CamVid資料集上取得了一流的成果。 在這篇論文中,我們希望能證明直接把DenseNet建構模塊實做到分割CNN並不是應用它最好的方法。因此,我們用DenseNet的設計概念來修改一個基於ResNet架構名為GCN的分割CNN,並建構我們自己的類神經網路。我們的網路用更少的訓練參數便在CamVid資料集上取得了69.34%的mean-IoU成績,超越了FC-DenseNet在論文中取得的66.9%。


After Long et al. proposed the fully convolutional network (FCN) based on a pre-trained classification convolutional neural network (CNN), more methods started using classification CNN to build their semantic segmentation CNN and achieved state-of-the-art performances on challenging datasets. Since ResNet won the first place of ImageNet classification task in 2015. Most of the segmentation CNN chose to build their network based on the ResNet. Recently, Huang et al. introduced a new classification CNN called DenseNet. Then Jégou et al. simply used a sequence of building blocks of DenseNet to build their entire segmentation CNN, called FC-DenseNet, and achieved state-of-the-art result on CamVid dataset. In this thesis, we want to prove that implement DenseNet building block directly into a segmentation CNN is not the best way of using it. Therefore, we implement the design concept of DenseNet into a ResNet-based segmentation CNN called GCN and build our own network. Our network uses less computation resource to obtain a mean-IoU score of 69.34% on CamVid dataset, surpass the 66.9% obtained in the paper of FC-DenseNet.


Semantic Segmentation Deep Learning CNN


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