  • 學位論文


Social Welfare Group, Supervision Institute, New Media: An Exploratory Research of Taiwan Reportage after 2010

指導教授 : 陳芷凡


本論文以「社會性」為出發點重探報導文學的各項議題,引用韋伯「社會行動」的概念,將創作報導文學視為一具有明顯社會意圖的行動,既是對大眾發聲的媒體也是社會運動的策略,並且常常與實際的社會行動相關聯。本論文也參考幾本從社會運動角度出發的報導文學前行研究,聚焦在較實質的社會性視角,將文本外部的行動與背景放在更重要的位置,探究報導文學在社會性上的幾項議題。以三本近幾年具高度社會性的報導文學為例,分別是《16:是誰讓少年帶著痛苦與懼怕走完他的人生》、《沉默:台灣某特教學校集體性侵事件》、《血淚漁場:跨國直擊台灣遠洋漁業真相》,這三本文本都有相當明顯的社會性,包含在創作背景上皆出自社會上的特定機構或人士──監察委員、人本基金會、「報導者」新媒體,創作主題皆是曾在媒體上引發關注的社會案件,且在出版前後都帶來試圖改革體制的效應,可以說文本的創作本是為了對政府與大眾發聲,是現實的社會運動中的一環。 本論文的主體架構便由這三本文本分佔一章節,而各小節分別是創作背景、文本分析與新聞效應、報導文學議題探討,循序漸進梳理文本內外部的社會性,最後再進入討論報導文學相關的重點議題。其中在創作背景上也納入討論相關的其他報導文本,包含監察院報導文學、人本教育叢書、「報導者」的調查報導,而新聞效應則是文本中案件的新聞與出版後的效應,最後研究與報導文學這文類相關的幾項議題,包含當代「官方」報導文學的面貌、報導文學的文學性與社會性、報導文學的文類性質與界限等等,這幾項議題都出自這三本文本的創作與背景,用意在探索報導文學研究一直以來未被關注的領域,期望能從社會性的角度,重新梳理報導文學的理念與初衷,並能對這文類有新的視野與見解。


This paper takes “sociality” as the starting point to re-examine the various issues of reportage based on the concept of Weber’s social action”. It considers reportage literature as an action ith obvious social intentions, both as a medium and a strategy for social movement, and often in association with actual social action. This research refers to several studies on reportage from the perspective of social movements, focusing on a more substantive social viewpoint, placing greater importance on actions and backgrounds beyond the text, and exploring several issues from the social aspects of reportage.This thesis discusses three recent reportage books featuring a high degree of sociality—16: Who Let the Teenager End His Life in Pain and Fear (16: Shi shui rang shaonian daizhe tongku yu jupa zouwan tade rensheng); Silence:Collective Sexual Abuse in a Special Education School in Taiwan (Chenmo: Taiwan mou tejiao xuexiao jiti xingqin shijian); and Fraudery, Exploitation, and Floating Sweatshop: The Bloody Truth Behind Taiwan’s Distant Water Fishery. Sociality plays a noticeable role in these publications, in the form of specific social institutions or individuals in the environmental context—members of the Control Yuan, the Humanistic Education Foundation, and the new media The Reporter. The books center on social events that attracted media attention and effectively led to structural reforms prior to or following their publication. They can be regarded as an appeal to the government and the public, and a part of a realistic social movement. This thesis devotes one chapter to each of the three books. Each chapter contains subsections covering the background of the book, text analysis and news effect, and discussions on literary issues. The content of each book is examined in relation to the external environment from the sociality perspective before the key issues of reportage are finally discussed. Other relevant reportages for each of the books are also scrutinized, including Control Yuan reportage series, Humanities Education series, and investigative reports by The Reporter. For the purpose of this study, news effect refers to the impact produced by media coverage of an event as well as publication of the related book. Each chapter concludes with a discussion on issues related to the reportage, including contemporary “official” reportage, the literary and social nature of reportage, as well as its academic nature and boundaries. These issues are identified through research of the three publications and their contextual background, with the purpose of exploring areas that were overlooked in previous reportage studies, an aim to reorganizing the concept and original intent of reportage from a sociality perspective, and the hope of introducing a new vision and interpretation for this genre.


