  • 學位論文


The Uses and Pedagogical Sequencing of gam31 in Taiwanese Hakka

指導教授 : 葉瑞娟


本研究使用語料庫語言學的研究方法,透過實際的語料分布及分析,整理臺灣客家語「敢」的句法結構,以區辨「敢」的四大用法:情態用法、反詰用法、揣測用法及中性問句用法。 本文發現除情態用法外,其他三種用法會在同樣的句法環境出現,因此,無法完全以句法結構做為判斷語氣副詞的標準,除了句法結構外,還需從上下文語境來做判斷,語境中說話者心中的預設才是斷定語氣用法的標準,最主要牽涉到說話者心中的假設,反詰語氣(refute)表說話者對事件的看法,心中的預設立場是相反的;揣測語氣表說話者對事件的看法,與其心中的預設是一致的;中性問句表說話者心中對事件的看法沒有預設立場。 我們也發現,純粹以「敢」在語料庫出現的頻率作卡方檢定時,「敢」的四種用法在口語體裁和書面語體裁中的分布沒有顯著差異,但四種用法的分佈比例在統計上具有顯著差異,我們再以兩兩間的比較作分析,發現除了反詰跟揣測這兩種用法在統計上沒有顯著差異外,其他用法彼此間在分佈比例上都有顯著差異。 最後,我們依據教學語法點中的出現頻率原則、語義困難度原則、跨語言差距及語用功能原則討論分析,對臺灣客家語「敢」提出合理的教學語法排序建議為:情態>中性問句>揣測>反詰,惟此教學排序與語法化理論的語意演變途徑 (情態>反詰>揣測>中性問句)的歷史順序不一致。


This thesis is a corpus-based attempt to investigate the four uses of gam2 in Taiwanese Hakka, i.e., the modal use, the rhetorical/refuting use, the conjecture use, and the interrogative use. It is found that syntax alone may not be sufficient to distinguish the four uses in that, except for the modal use, all the other three uses may occur in the same syntactic environments. The three uses are, in fact, context-dependent and closely-related to speaker’s supposition. When a speaker supposes that the situation is contrary to what is on his/her mind, the refuting use is adopted. When a speaker believes that the situation is the same as what s/he expects, the conjecture use is used. Different from the previous two uses, the interrogative use is neutral in speaker’s expectation. The chi-square statistic shows that the distribution of the four uses in the spoken and written corpora is non-significant. Note, however, that, except for the refuting-conjecture pair, all the other pairs of the four uses are statistically significant. Based on frequency of occurrence, semantic complexity, inter-linguistic distance, and pragmatic functions, we suggest the following pedagogical sequencing: the modal use > the interrogative use > the conjecture use > the refuting use. This sequencing is, nonetheless, different from the diachronic development of gam2 from the modal use to the interrogative use, through the refuting use and the conjecture use.


Taiwanese Hakka gam2 corpus pedagogical sequencing


