  • 學位論文


After Yu Xiangdou: The Transformation of Yu Yingqiu’s Publishing Strategies in Late-Ming Jianyan

指導教授 : 馬孟晶


明萬曆中期坊刻蓬勃發展,稿源逐漸不足,不少書坊主開始構思該如何增添新稿源。在此波出版熱潮下,福建建陽書坊主熊大木與楊湧泉聯手編纂《新刊按鑑演義全像大宋中興岳王傳》,引發一股將史書編纂為白話小說的風潮,余象斗承先啟後,首先刊印姻親熊大木編纂的《全漢志傳》,再重雕族叔余邵魚的《列國志傳》,並藉由《列國志傳》發展系列套書。爾後余象斗又接續創造神魔系列小說、公案系列小說,以滿足市場需求。 然而,在余象斗晚年以後,建陽出版業逐漸沒落,編輯分工也逐漸細緻化,在政治的紛擾下,身為余象斗姪子的余應虬該如何因應呢?目前多數學者對於建陽刻書的研究皆集中於萬曆年間的建陽書坊主余象斗與熊大木,筆者本篇論文將以活躍於晚明到清初的余象斗之姪余應虬為焦點,他克紹箕裘,繼承書坊家業,籌組自身編輯群,並主持同文書院。在晚明與南明政權交替傾軋之際,除了與遠赴金陵的家族子孫合作出版外,並利用同文書院教育同宗姻親子孫,更利用自身人脈資源,除與南明政權有所合作外,也與自身塾師鄧志謨等合作,合刊大量書籍,不但是明末建陽書坊主的典範,也可以增加我們對於明末出版活動趨勢變遷的認識。 本文討論建陽余氏與其他書坊家族的合作,再藉由比較余象斗與余應虬叔姪之間的編輯出版手法,凸顯其經營策略之轉變,與晚明之際書坊經營模式的更替,並藉由探討建陽余氏後裔余應虬之生平,展現出萬曆年以後,明清鼎革之際時建陽書坊的演變,亦嘗試探究其與江南整體出版市場的關聯。


余應虬 建陽 出版策略 余象斗 鄧志謨 南京


In the mid-Ming Dynasty, commercial publication flourished, but the source of manuscript was gradually insufficient. Many book owners started to think about how to To increase the source of manuscript. In the wave of this publishing,Yu Xiangdou(余象斗)played a key role in this beginning and the after . He first published The whole Han Dynasty biography(《全漢志傳》) written and edited by his affinity, Xiong Damu(熊大木). In 1606 (year of Wan Li 34), he then republished the Biography Of the Countries in Chunqiu Period(《列國志傳》),written by his Uncle Yu Shaoyu(余紹魚). Then, depended on publishing this book, Yu Xiangdou edited and published the book’s the Prequal Biography Of the twelve Countries in Chunqiu Period(《列國前編十二朝》), and the post series the Commentary of the twleve Countries in Chunqiu Period(《列國志傳評林》). However, merely series histroy novels couldn’t meet readers need, and Yu Xiang Dou continued to create series of fiends and fiction series to fullfil market demand. However, after Yu Xiang Dou’s later years, the Jiangnan(江南) publishing market was gradually unanimous, and the division of labor was gradually becoming more meticulous. Also under the turmoil of politics, Yu Yingqiu(余應虬), nephew of Yu Xiangdou’s , his reaction toward this was still unclear. This research compares the cooperation between the Yu(余氏)family and other publication families in Jianyang , and then uses the editing and publishing between Yu Xiangdou and Yu Yingqiu to highlight the changes in strategies and business models in the late Ming Dynasty. It explores the life of Yu Yingqiu, a descendant of the Yu family, to show the evolution of the Jiagyang publication market in the transition time between the Ming and Qing dynasties as well. The study intends to inspect the connection between the book markets in Jianyang and Jiangnan in order to extend our understanding of the overall publication business during this period.


YuXiangdou YuYingqiu XiongDamu YuShaoyu Ming Dynasty


