  • 學位論文

PLAYING MODERNITY: Play as a Path Shuttling across Space and Time of A'tolan Amis in Taiwan


指導教授 : 魏捷茲


This study demonstrates a new approach toward understanding Amis culture, focusing on the Amis people of A’tolan in Taiwan. I suggest that through their playing with“modernity”, which I define as a mode of life following upon technological progress and capitalist development that has been disseminated by Europeans since the 16th Century, A’tolan Amis exemplify a different approach to their social life experiences through their history of encountering “modernity”; playing is one of the core philosophies of life for A’tolan Amis, and one which also mediates their encounters with “modernities” and refines those encounters into a particular A’tolan Amis modernity. This dissertation is divided into two main parts with five chapters and the conclusion. The first part includes two chapters focused on the ground of the play element in the social structure and the cultural cognition represented in the rituals and singing/dancing practices within an historical context of transformation. Based on the first part, the second part includes chapters four to six, which describe how the play of A’tolan Amis performs a crucial role in three major historical and contemporary experiences in social life, including the war experiences in the near past, the contemporary modern ethnic identity formation of the younger generations, and ongoing problems about environmental and land issues in A’tolan, both of which deserves further attention. The conclusion chapter advances three main conclusions. First, I indicate that play acts as a shuttle used to confront and evade “modernity” and even to innovate a certain playing modernity of A’tolan Amis on paths crossing space-time. Secondly, theoretically, I argue that communitas is the playing experiences in the plays of A’tolan Amis, which is also as a matter of fact a meta-communitas; in other words, the communitas has the quality of double layers. Finally, I would like to share what I have learned from the life philosophy of A’tolan Amis in this study, which gives me a worthwhile attitude to face my own hardships in the future.


阿美族 都蘭 遊戲 展演 現代性


本論文嘗試從玩與遊戲的角度切入,討論臺灣臺東都蘭部落阿美人近百年來社會與文化生活樣貌的變與不變,並進一步指出玩與遊戲作為一種都蘭阿美人社會互動價值的生活實踐,面對百餘年來勢不可擋的資本主義與國家勢力的發展下,在當代都蘭阿美人的社會生活中交織形成一種「玩的現代性」,以遭遇,或者躲避,或者更進一步創造出當代的都蘭阿美人生活樣貌。 本論文概分為兩個部份,分別討論都蘭阿美人「玩的現代性」如何在儀式與歌舞中所展現的結構性價值,以及如何在近代都蘭阿美人所遭遇的三個重要事件中的社會生活與經驗裡不斷地被實踐。第一部份為本論文第二與第三章,指出都蘭阿美人在儀式與歌舞中所展現出的玩與遊戲元素,以及其在歷史變遷中社會結構與文化象徵上的意義。第二部份為第三章到第五章,聚焦在都蘭阿美人關於近代戰爭經驗的敘事、年輕一輩旅外的認同追尋、以及持續發展中關於都蘭土地與環境議題裡,玩與遊戲所扮演的角色。 綜合以上的討論,本論文指出兩個論點:首先,都蘭阿美人藉著玩與遊戲穿梭在不同的時間與空間中建立關係,與外在的社會發展遭遇下,交織發展出一種屬於都蘭阿美人「玩的現代性」,並在當代的社會情境下持續地發展與運作。其次,在理論層次上,交融 (communitas)作為一種特定情境下特定人群意識的交流狀態,具有雙重的性質。當代都蘭阿美人玩與遊戲的經驗作為一種交融狀態,我稱之為「後設交融」(meta-communitas),以面對不同的外在世界發展時所產生的意識共同體。這樣的雙重性質,乃來自於玩與遊戲在都蘭阿美人社會與文化生活中既有的價值。 最後,本論文不僅在描述與分析都蘭阿美人面對現代社會下的社會生活樣貌,同時也欲分享在本研究中,都蘭阿美人如何展現「再怎麼苦也要開心地面對」的價值觀。這種價值觀,不但對我個人來說,是種極具意義的生命態度,相信亦是當代面對諸多問題下的臺灣主流社會,可以參考與學習的文化哲學。


Amis A'tolan Play Game Performance Modernity


Chen Qilu 陳奇祿
Fujii, Shizue 藤井志津枝
Hsieh Shih-chung 謝世忠
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