  • 學位論文

Capacity Planning in Wafer Inspection Outgoing Quality Control


指導教授 : 蘇哲平


摘要 本研究目的為發展一套系統性的方法以利於晶圓檢驗出貨品質保證部之產能規劃決策。就現況而言,管理者通常僅憑藉經驗法則或是主觀意見來判斷是否需要增減人員或是添購設備。然而這種方法沒辦法考慮到人員設備的實際利用率以及需求與處理時間的不確定性因而造成龐大的損失。故在此研究裡我們採用Flexsim模擬軟體來建置模擬模型,並實際收集需求來到時間與各站處理時間,並對這些時間的分布進行統計檢驗,並以實際資料驗證模擬模型的準確性。最後再以最小化操作人員與設備數與百分之九十的機率流程時間不超過360分鐘為目標,利用模擬模型,根據不同的需求尋找最適合的產能配置。


產能規劃 設施規劃 模擬


Abstract The objective of this study is to develop a systematic approach to conduct capacity planning for Outgoing Quality Control (QOC) department in semiconductor Fabric. Managers usually determine the number of operators and machines base only on past experience or personal opinion. However, this approach overlooks the utilization rate of operators and machines as well as the uncertainties in demand and process time. In this dissertation, the simulation software, Flexsim is used to construct simulation model. The real demand and process time data of various workstations are collected. The distributions of these data are statistically tested. The real case is used to verify the accuracy of the simulation model. Based on the simulation model, the proper capacity plan is identified to achieve two goals. One is to minimize the number of operators or machines. Second is to ensure the probability that the cycle time is less or equal to 360 minutes is 90 percent.


Capacity plan Facility layout Simulation


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