  • 學位論文


The Study of Social Network Marketing Strategy Adopted by Enterprises: A Case of Facebook Fan Page

指導教授 : 林博文


台灣Facebook的會員人數在2011年5月已突破950萬人,在2011年的台灣100大網站排名中更獲得第一名的佳績。每位網友平均一個月登入Facebook超過19次,每次使用超過六小時。Facebook無疑是全球發展最成功的社群網站,除了既有的社交功能外,更成為企業眼中的行銷新平台。其中,又以粉絲專頁(Fan Page)最具前瞻性。據Facebook官方統計,目前共有一百六十多萬個粉絲專頁,吸引超過五億三千萬人次成為它們的粉絲。Facebook粉絲專頁可與消費者做雙向互動,深度品牌溝通,並行銷其商品與服務,與消費者建立長久的關係。但成功經營Facebook粉絲專頁的企業仍屬少數。故本篇研究目的在於整理出經營Facebook粉絲專頁之關鍵成功因素,以及有效的社群行銷操作手法,提供企業在實務上的操作建議。 本研究利用虛擬社群的兩大理論,分別從使用者觀點和經營者角度來探討Facebook粉絲專頁的功能架構及其經營意義與步驟,並以深度訪談法、次級資料蒐集與參與觀察法,來分析三個經營成功之Facebook粉絲專頁,進而獲得以下主要結論:1. 品牌知名度在經營初期上雖然扮演了重要的角色,但之後與粉絲的互動與管理者的用心經營才是粉絲專頁持續成功的主要原因。2. 粉絲專頁的內容很重要,有深度及豐富的內容才能提升粉絲忠誠度,並願意將訊息分享轉載,增加曝光率。3. 優惠、贈品是關鍵,必須讓粉絲感受到,只要加入粉絲專頁,能隨時得到好康。此外經營Facebook粉絲專頁時也必須和消費者做有情感的互動,若只是商業促銷,無法有效提升粉絲的參與。4. 粉絲專頁若與其他社群媒體(如:部落格、YouTube或官網),進行流量互導,則能有效提升企業價值。5. 真誠對待粉絲不隱瞞,不管是正面或負面的評論,都必須適時回應。


Taiwanese membership of Facebook has exceeded 9.5 million in May, 2011. This fact makes it becomes the most successful social network sites in Taiwan, equipped with many social functions, Facebook acts as a new marketing platform for business. Among them, the Fan Page is the most forward-looking function. According to its official statistics, there are more than 1.6 million Fan Page profiles, attracting more than five hundred million people to utilize it. Fan Page allows corporate to process two-way interaction with consumers, to perform in-depth brand communication, to market products and services and to establish a long-term relationship with their fans. But, few companies can successfully work on Fan Page. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to find out Fan Page's critical success factors as well as effective operational methods, and to give corporates some practical recommendations. With depth interviews, secondary data collection and participant observation this study uses two theories of virtual community to analyze three successful cases, and it comes up with the following main conclusions:(1) Brand awareness may play an important role in the early stage of performing; yet, actively and emotionally interacting with customers and hard-working management are moer crucial; (2) The Fan Page’s contents are very important. The contents should be valuable to fans; (3) Gifts, promotional activities are the key factor to attract consumer continued participation in Fan Page; (4) If Facebook Fan Page can link with other SNSs(YouTube、Twitter、Plurk), it could enhance corporate value and attract more fans to follow it; (5) Treat your fans sincerely and never deceive them. Whichever positive or negative comments the operator should give feedback to. Keywords: Virtual community, Social Network Sites(SNSs), Facebook, Fan Page, Web 2.0


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