  • 學位論文


The Impact of Reading Images with Text on Image Memory

指導教授 : 王明揚


二十一世紀是資訊與科技全球化的時代,隨著技術不斷的進步,各式各樣的科技產品也充斥著我們的生活,成為生活的一部份。科技產品與無線網路的普及,使大量豐富且多元的資訊更為容易取得,也改變許多資訊的呈現模式。相同的資訊可以合併文字、圖片、影像、動畫及聲音等媒介以多媒體形式散播。 根據經濟部對數位內容產業之定義,數位內容產業包含數位學習教材、數位學習平台、多媒體工具與電子書等。數位內容產業辦公室在2014年統計的資料指出,由2003年開始,近十年數位內容產業產值一直呈現上升趨勢,足見該產業在國內的發展程度日益提升,因此多媒體訊息的使用與設計,是現今社會傳播資訊的重要考量之一,相較於單純的文字,可以呈現更具體、真實的題材,不只讓資訊的表達變得生動且有趣,也提高讀者的興趣與閱讀意願。 然而在多媒體教材與學習效果的研究中指出,因為數位內容或多媒體所提高的閱讀意願及興趣與學習的成效不見得相關。若選擇的媒體未能有效地傳達教材本身的核心概念時,學習者的記憶與理解會受到影響。 相較於過去的研究對於圖文關係的設計多數都是以文字為主,以相同的文字與不同的圖像搭配,探討圖像與文字的搭配對文意理解或記憶的影響,本研究嘗試以圖像為主,探討不同的文字搭配相同的圖像,對讀者圖像內容記憶與視覺行為的影響。 本研究以電子媒介呈現多媒體圖文閱讀素材作為研究媒材,以視覺行為與記憶測試問卷等兩部分進行分析。視覺行為以眼動儀做為記錄的設備,使用眼動資料的五項指標(凝視點數、凝視點數量百分比、凝視時間、凝視時間百分比、圖像與文字間的跳視次數)觀察受試者在高、低相關性的多媒體素材中的視覺行為,並與其記憶測試的評分結果合併,進行分析比較,嘗試了解相關程度高低不同的多媒體素材對讀者圖像內容記憶所產生之影響。 研究結果顯示,圖文高相關性組的受試者記憶之圖像內容較正確,評分結果較圖文低相關性組的分數高,說明圖文之間的相關性會影響記憶內容。由兩組別受試者的眼動紀錄觀察,發現悉數受試者在閱讀過程中於對應的圖像及文字間有正確的跳視,再由視線軌跡的分析,可以推知圖文高相關性組與圖文低相關性組的受試者記憶之內容與跳視路徑有相當程度的關係。 在相關建議方面,建議後續研究嘗試將圖像及文字的相關性以量化指標提供絕對的判斷、擴大研究參與者的年齡範圍,並且以訪談的方式了解受試者閱讀素材時的主觀感受,期望使多媒體圖文素材的傳播更有效,作為後續教材設計與資訊傳播的參考方針。


The twenty-first Century is the era of globalization of information and technology, as technology proceeds continuous progressing, various kinds of technical products have become parts of our daily life. The widely spread of wireless network, combined with technical products, have not only made information become far more available, but also changed the presentation type of information. The same information may be expressed with various kinds of media, including texts, pictures, videos, animations and audio. Multimedia combines these types of information and can be expressed through technical products. According to the definition of digital content industry, which was defined by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, digital content industry includes digital learning, digital platforms, multimedia tools and Ebooks. From the statistic data provided by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the industry has been growing since 2003, which shows the significant progress in the past decade. Therefore the use and design of multimedia is one of the main concerns of presenting information. Compared to simple text, multimedia information can be more interesting and attractive to readers, and further raises readers’ willingness of reading the information. However, several researches have pointed out that higher interestingness of the information may not necessarily relate to better learning outcomes. If the media selected fail to express the key concept of the learning material, learners’ memory and comprehension would be affected. This research combined electronic text and image to be one multimedia reading material which was used as research material, trying to analyze readers’ visual behavior and memory of image content. Using eye tracker to record readers’ reading behavior, five indices are selected to observe readers’ visual behavior, and they are number of fixation points, percentage of fixation points, total fixation time, percentage of total fixation time, saccades between text and image. Memory of image content is accessed by questionnaire. Combining the results of memory of image content and eye-tracking indices, this research tries to understand the impact of multimedia reading materials with different relevance level of text and image on readers’ visual behavior and memory of image content. Previous researches have regarded text as the main topic, the comprehension and recall were about the meaning of text part of the material. While in this study, images would then be treated as the main material, and readers’ memory of the image detail would be the main concern. From the results of the experiment, participants assigned to high relevance group scored higher than participants assigned to low relevance group, which explains the effect of multimedia materials with different level of relevance. Observations from the eye tracking data revealed that all participants had correct saccades from text part to corresponding image. Combining the results of participants’ visual path with their score, this analysis revealed that participants’ scores were highly related to the level of relevance and visual path. As for the related suggestions, future research could establish a specific indicator to support absolute judgement of relevance level between text and image, widen the range of participants’ age and access participants’ subjective feelings or attitudes toward multimedia reading material with different level of relevance with interviews, expecting to spread information through multimedia in a more effective way and provide suggestions for designing information types and multimedia learning materials.


Eye tracker visual behavior memory multimedia text and image


