  • 學位論文

運用「製造服務化」推動製造業轉型之研究 -以光學鍍膜S公司為例

Research on application of servitization to promote manufacturing transformation – Case study of optical coating S company

指導教授 : 史欽泰 羅達賢


製造業為經濟發展之母,台灣過去幾十年來藉著工業化的發展得到經濟奇蹟的美譽及成績。台灣製造業發揮高度彈性,低成本及優異品質的綜合競爭力,使得朝向ODM/OEM代工產業的發展模式得以成功。這種以科技技術創新(技術障礙 Technology Barrier)及低成本(成本障礙Cost Barrier)所構築的競爭障礙,面對現今新興國家的崛起及工業國家的新工業振興改造,台灣產業既有的競爭力將逐漸面臨威脅。 台灣產業對於出口依存度高,面對海外市場激烈的紅海競爭及微利的壓力,即使積極的想要突破現有的僵局,但能提出的對策仍陷入以「科技技術」及「降低成本」兩種基本策略思維上。企業要轉型成為以利基市場為主的營運模式,提升附加價值及強化競爭優勢,是否有別的方法可以參考及依循? 在商業的競爭方面,基本上無非是以「你無我有、你有我優、你優我廉、你廉我轉」的方式依序進行,當新興國家的製造成本比我們更為低廉以及先進工業國家生產的品質比我們更為優異,並且朝向中間價位的產品提供時,如何抽離以產品取向為焦點的思維,而將目光投以「服務+產品」組合的服務模式,提高企業附加價值,滿足客戶多樣化需求,將是企業以「製造服務化」進行轉型的新發展方向。 本研究以政府積極推動的製造業服務化為研究對象,探討何謂服務化? 服務化的意義內涵,轉變趨勢及企業要具備的轉變能耐。另外更重要的是服務化的可能發展的執行模式和相關的挑戰,透過個案研究進行模式的驗證及發掘相關的問題。而研究的結果也發現(1)服務化可以協助企業轉型或發掘新的生意機會及商業模式(2)服務化趨勢強化企業競爭優勢(3)具有提升附加價值,加強與客戶關係(4)結合異業資源,與供應商成為服務價值鏈(5)創造新的收入來源。 研究的結論為製造業服務化是一以顧客為核心的概念,從產品為出發點的思維必須轉化以人為主軸。在以滿足客戶需求的前提下,發展其需要的有形商品及無形的服務系統,在高度競爭的市場中能有另一新選擇及策略可以被企業界所參考。


Manufacturing industry is the mother of economic development. During the past few decades, by means of industrialized development, Taiwan has obtained the good reputation and performance as economic miracle. Taiwan manufacturing industry has exploited the comprehensive competitiveness of high flexibility, low cost and outstanding quality so as to succeed in industrial development of ODM/OEM mode. After facing the rise of emerging countries and new industrial transformation of industrial countries, owing to the competitive barrier constructed by technological innovation (Technology Barrier) and low cost (Cost Barrier), the traditional competitiveness will face the threats increasingly. Taiwan industry has high dependence on export. Confronting with pressure of Red Ocean Competition and meager profit from foreign market, even though try to break through the existing deadlock aggressively, the countermeasures are still caught into the two basic strategic thinking of “technological skill” and “reducing cost.” If an industry intends to transform to become the management mode based on niche market to promote additional value and enhance competitive advantage, is there any other method to reference or follow? In the aspect of commercial competition, it is basically nothing but the policy of “You don’t have what I have; you don’t have better quality than mine; you have quality but don’t have lower cost than mine; you have lower cost, so I transfer.” When the manufacturing cost in emerging countries is lower than ours, the product quality produced by advanced industrial countries is more excellent than ours and they even march to supply middle-priced products, how to detach ourselves from the product-oriented thinking but throw attention to the service mode of “service + product” portfolio to improve additional value for customers and meet with customers’ various demands. That shall be the development direction for the Servitization of industrial transformation. This study takes servitization of manufacturing industries promoted by government as the study subject to explore what is servitization, as well as the connotation of servitization, transformation trend, the ability that an industry shall possess to transform, and the most importance, the possible execution mode of development for servitization and related challenges. By means of case study, it verifies and explores the relevant issues. The study result finds (1) servitization may be helpful for an industry transform or excavate new business opportunities and commercial modes; (2) trend of servitization strengthens competitive advantages; (3) promote additional value, and enhance the relationship with customers; (4) combine with integrated resources to build service value chain with suppliers; (5) create new income source. The conclusion of this study is that the servitization of manufacturing industries is a concept of customers as the core. The thinking starting from products must be changed to be based on human-beings. Under the premise of satisfying customers’ requirements, develop the tangible commodities and intangible service systems required by them. In the highly competitive market, it provides a new choice and strategy for industries’ reference.


2. Andy Neely, The Servitization of Manufacturing: An analysis of global trends
14. 陳信宏,中華經濟研究院國際所, 製造服務化的內涵與發展策略,2011
16. 陳家聲,劉志興,馮輝毅,製造業產業群聚服務化發展趨勢對廠商行為影響之個案研究,台灣大學
1. Andrew Davies,Tim Brandy and Michael Hobday 2006,Organizing for solutions :Systems seller vs. systems integrator.
3. Andy Neely,Ornella Benedetinni and Ivanka Visnjic.(2011), The servitization of Manufacturing ;Further evidence.
