  • 學位論文


Theoretical and Experimental Study on Formation of Glass Micron Structures by Using Imprinting Process

指導教授 : 宋震國


玻璃材料比高分子有更好的光學特性及生物親和性,而熱壓印製程是一種可大量複製與量產的技術,若能有系統地由加工模型的建立與模擬,掌握玻璃熱壓的加工條件,配合設備的設計進行相關的實驗,是一個極具發展潛力的議題。 本文利用ANSYS Multiphysics 10.0建立玻璃壓印模型,以假設玻璃為牛頓流體出發,根據流體之壓力場、速度場分佈,以解釋壓印參數對於玻璃熱直壓之成型影響,如模具下壓速度、壓印溫度、模具之尺寸效應、基材效應、玻璃填充形狀等,並討論其成型機制,配合實驗結果與模擬相互討論。文中並針對玻璃熱壓實驗結果,對模具以及玻璃材料選擇上提出建議,且在低溫625 K加工條件下,配合所建立之實驗機台,成功地在玻璃上壓製出最小節距為291.3 nm、成型高度為138.3 nm之圖案,且在其適當壓印參數下具有高度之重現性。


Glass possesses better optical characteristics and bio-compatibility than most polymeric materials. Besides, the nanoimprinting process is considered to be areproducible and mass production technique. In this study , ANSYS Multiphysics 10.0 is employed to build the simulation model for glass imprinting process. Assuming glass is a Newtonian fluid as it is over glass transition temperature, the simulation investigates the influences of parameters on the formability of glass imprinting such as the imprinting velocity, working temperature, the size effect of the mold, substrate effect and filling geometric forms. According to the experimental and simulation results , the glass forming mechanism by imprinting process is identified and the material, geometry, and process parameters are recommend. This study successfullydirect imprint nano/micro patterns on the glass substrate; the pitch size is minimized to 293.1 nm and the formation height 138.3 nm at the temperature 625 K. The repeatability od the process is proved to be stable by employing the designed imprinting machine and process parameters.


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