  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 凌永健


摘要 由於醫藥進步,人類壽命越來越長,因為老年而衍生的問題益形明顯,因此,抗氧化的健康食品逐漸被國人所重視。目前最熱門的抗氧化健康食品就屬類胡蘿蔔素,而開發超臨界二氧化碳萃取之綠色製程,以超臨界二氧化碳無毒溶劑萃取有效成分,並找出最適化萃取條件,為本論文的重點。第二章及第三章發展基因重組後之大腸桿菌中蕃茄紅素之無毒性綠色製程,以超臨界二氧化碳流體萃取取代傳統有機溶劑萃取,以田口式實驗計劃法系統性地決定超臨界流體萃取蕃茄紅素之實驗參數最佳化組合,並與單一因子實驗法比對確認最適化條件。找出超臨界流體萃取基因重組後之大腸桿菌中蕃茄紅素之最佳萃取條件為萃取壓力350bar、萃取溫度80℃、萃取壓力60分鐘,得到真實樣品蕃茄紅素回收率為75.2%。


ABSTRACT This work describes the extraction of lycopene from genetically engineered E. coli using supercritical carbon dioxide. To optimize supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) results for the isolation of lycopene, the factors assessed were the temperature of the extractor (40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90and 100 °C), the pressure of the extraction fluid (250, 300,and 350 bar), addition of cosolvent (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 mL ethanol), extraction time (30, 60, 90 and 120 min). The results in this research have shown that the amount of the extractable lycopene depends on the experimental conditions. The total amounts of lycopene in the gene modified E. coli, extracts, and residues were determined by HPLC. A maximum of 75.2 % of lycopene was extracted by SC-CO2 in 60min at 80 °C and 350 bar, without the addition ethanol as a cosolvent.


supercritical fluid lycopene E. coli


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