  • 學位論文


Dynamic Selling Strategy of Multiple Quality Grade Product Under Demand and Price Uncertainties

指導教授 : 葉維彰 吳政鴻


由於動態價格問題所包含之議題影響企業利潤甚鉅,例如:產品價格、產品庫存、倉庫容量等,因此本研究將針對此問題加以探討,目的為決定各時間點之產品銷售量,以使得企業利潤最大化。而本研究與過去文獻探討之不同點在於,過去文獻主要探討高級產品無替代銷售之動態價格問題,而本研究則針對可分級之產品(可分為高級與普通級),例如:TFT-LCD、DRAM等產品進行高級產品可替代銷售之動態價格研究。而此論文將於可補貨、市場需求隨時間而改變但每期需求不互相影響、非策略性顧客之研究環境下(Replenishment of Inventory、Independent、Myopic;簡稱R-I-M),採用隨機性動態規劃(Stochastic Dynamic Programming)方法針對可分級之產品建立數學模式,並以數值迭代法(Value Iteration Algorithm)進行模式之解算,其可決定於銷售期限內,每期(Period)高級產品、高級產品滿足普通級產品市場需求、以及普通級產品之銷售數量,以達銷售期限企業利潤最大化之目標。 本研究並發展一動態銷售決策資訊系統,以驗證研究所提出之數學模式的有效性。並藉由比較本論文所提出之高級產品替代銷售模式與傳統模式於相同假設下之利潤,可知產品動態分級銷售決策可有效增進企業之營利。 關鍵字:產品分級動態銷售決策、動態價格、動態規劃


Dynamic pricing problem contains the issue such a product price, storage capacity and so on, which influence the enterprise profit sorely. Thus our research will focus on the dynamic pricing problem to discuss. The object in this paper is to decide the product sales volume to maximize the enterprise profit. The past literature researched on the product with classless pricing problem. In this paper we will focus on the product such TFT-LCD and DRAM which can be classified into multiple quality grades (low-grade and high-grade). In this research we will use stochastic dynamic programming to derive and build the mathematical model, and then solve the model by applying the value iteration algorithm under the replenishment of inventory, independent and myopic environment. The result will be administered to the enterprise to make decisions on high-grade product sales volume, ordinary grade product sales volume, and high-grade product to make ordinary grade product sales volume at every sales period which can be maximize the enterprise total profit. This research also develops a dynamic selling decision-making system to evaluate the validity of the mathematical model. Through the comparison of present paper proposed the uncertainty pattern and the traditional pattern on the profit under the same assumptions, it may proof the product dynamic selling decision-making policy to be possible to promote the enterprise profit. Keywords: Dynamic selling decision-making policy、Dynamic pricing、Dynamic programming


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