  • 學位論文

Spin Qubit Decoherence and Entanglement Induced by 1D Quantum Spin Baths


指導教授 : 陳柏中


Spin decoherence induced by spin baths has become an important subject in the field of quantum information science and quantum computing. In this work, the Heisenberg XXZ spin chain, which has a rich phase diagram, functions as a spin bath. I investigate spin-1/2 qubit decoherence as well as entanglement by mean of time-dependent density matrix renormalization group (t-DMRG). I find that induced decoherence and entanglement crucially depends on the phase of the spin bath. Moreover, for various interaction types and coupling strengths between the qubit(s) and the spin bath, the induced decoherence and entanglement differs. These show that there is a competition between the induced decoherence and entanglement. Finally, I stimulate two-qubit (dis)entanglement dynamics via a common bath and entanglement sudden death is also observed.



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