  • 學位論文


SenPro: Concurrent Wireless Sensor Network System Profiling

指導教授 : 金仲達


在無線感測網路(Wireless Sensor Network)中,無線感測器(Wireless Sensor)可以自由地散布在觀測環境中,利用無線模組將感測資料傳回加以分析,建立長期環境監測系統。然而開發一套監測系統並不困難,但由於感測器硬體資源的不足和散落在遠端,再加上真實環境裡充滿了許多未知且無法預期的變化,因此時常會無法得知感測器上程式的執行情況,也難以確保程式正確的在執行。雖然軟體側寫工具已經成為在個人電腦上軟體開發或管理的重要工具,但在無線感測網路裡卻沒有足夠的工具來提供給開發人員側寫(Profiling)程式的執行狀態。 針對這個問題,在這篇論文裡我們提出了一套工具SenPro-用來側寫程式在實際布建前後的運作情況,讓開發人員可以有效的分析評估系統效能抑或發現程式的臭蟲,更進一步有效的管理整個無線感測網路系統。為了符合成本以及省能之需求,無線感測器的軟硬體多採取較簡單的設計,所以SenPro以對原來程式造成最少的負擔(overhead)來提供側寫系統資訊。另外並不需要開發人員修改他們的應用程式來方便SenPro的使用。此外我們利用一個數學分析模型以及TinyOS內建的模擬器TOSSIM來評估SenPro運作時的效能和對原本系統網路方面的影響。藉由模擬和實際應用於無線感測器上,我們證實了SenPro可以成功得使我們了解程式的執行行為,同時也只對無線測系統造成些許的負擔。


Designing reliable software for sensor networks is challenging because being embedded in the physical world sensor networks present a wide range of bugs and misbehavior qualitatively different from those in most distributed systems. Unfortunately, due to resource constraints, programmers have limited visibility into the post-deployment behavior of sensor networks applications. To address this problem, this thesis presents the design and evaluation of SenPro, a lightweight prototype tool that profiles the pre- and post-deployment behavior of sensor network applications and provides fine-grained visibility about sensor networks. SenPro has selected metrics that enable efficient system profiling and provide these properties in a minimally intrusive manner, without requiring any modification to the applications being observed. We describe SenPro and evaluate its performance through an analytical model and by profiling an active application using simulator TOSSIM. We demonstrate that for a broad class of data gathering applications, it is possible to understand the behavior of applications by collecting and analyzing a minimal set of metrics at a centralized sink. We have found that SenPro causes little overhead in the sensor network through our performance evaluation using real sensor nodes as well as simulation.


WSN profiler profiling sensor


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