  • 學位論文


A Hybrid Niching-based Evolutionary PSO for Numerical Optimization Problems

指導教授 : 葉維彰


粒子群優化(PSO)是一個母體為基礎的優化算法,它具有簡單性和延展性。 PSO是一個典型的全域搜索之啟發式演算法; 然而,PSO在解決方案的開採能力(exploitation)和解的多樣性方面仍然有不足之處。有鑑於此,由人工細菌遺傳算法(PBGA)的啟發下,我們提昇解的多樣性,其藉由加入PBGA中染色體突變的過程並且進一步以利基為基礎的方法做修改後來保有解的多樣性,避免在搜索過程中過早收斂。我們簡稱該算法為基於利基之混合式演化粒子群演算法(NEPSO)。我們以大量的數值函數驗證所提出的演算法,其結果顯示NEPSO在大部分的驗證函數都能保有穩健性及有效性。


Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population-based optimization algorithm which has great potential because of its simplicity and malleability. PSO is a typical global searching heuristic, but there is still an insufficiency in PSO regarding solution exploitation and diversity. In view of this, inspired by the pseudo bacterial genetic algorithm (PBGA), we enhance the variety of solution exploitation by incorporating the PBGA process–chromosome mutation. In addition to this, a modified niching method is utilized to preserve the solution diversity, and to avoid premature convergence in search process. We call the proposed algorithm Niching-based Evolutionary PSO (NEPSO). The experimental results test several commonly used numerical benchmark functions, and show that NEPSO has very promising optimization performance.




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