  • 學位論文


The Effects of Different Movement Modes and Spatial Ability on Players’ Wayfinding Behaviors and Spatial Knowledge Construction.

指導教授 : 許有真


人們常於不熟悉環境中迷路,不論在真實世界或虛擬環境中,性別、空間能力等皆是影響尋路行為因素。迷失問題一直存在於虛擬環境中,然而,人們尋路行為相當複雜,過去研究顯少探討虛擬空間中使用者移動方式之差異,且無從得知使用者的空間能力是否直接影響他們傾向使用尋路策略,另一方面,在虛擬環境中的線索不及真實世界來的多元豐富,使用者是否會因此改變其在真實世界中慣用的尋路策略。本研究探討在3D虛擬環境中移動方式與空間能力差異對於尋路行為與空間知識建構是否有影響。採用2x2因子實驗設計,自變項為「移動方式(步行/飛行)」與「空間能力(高/低)」,分成四組:高飛組、高走組、低飛組與低走組,依變項則為「尋找目標物數量/時間/困難度」、「傾向使用尋路策略」、「路徑陳述」、「臨場感」、「地圖繪製正確率」與「空間知識測驗分數」,研究中使用空間能力量表篩選出72位空間能力高或低受試者,在虛擬環境中執行尋找目標物、尋路、地圖繪製與空間知識測驗等任務。 研究結果顯示,移動方式對於玩家在虛擬環境中尋找3D建築物之時間、數量與困難度及尋找2D平面物困難度均有影響。在虛擬環境中,空間能力高飛行者傾向以俯瞰策略來尋路且擅長以方位作為路線陳述;步行者則傾向採用地標策略與路徑策略且擅長以左右轉與地標作為路線陳述。而現實世界與虛擬環境尋路策略僅路徑策略有差異。最後,本研究結果顯示高空間能力者俯瞰知識建構完整度高於空間能力低者,而飛行者地標知識與俯瞰知識建構完整度高於步行者。研究結果可依不同類型任務提供適合移動方式,促進空間知識形成與提升績效,亦可做為虛擬環境設計者的建議,設計符合使用者尋路行為的介面與操作方式,讓使用者在虛擬環境中降低迷失方向的經驗。


Humans often lose their way in an unfamiliar setting, in virtual as well as real environ-ments. In both cases, gender, spatial ability, and other factors affect wayfinding behaviors. However, human wayfinding behaviors are complicated. Although several factors have been examined in previous studies, little is known about different types of movement in virtual environments and whether users’ spatial ability directly affects the wayfinding strategies they adopt. On the other hand, virtual environments provide fewer navigational cues than the real world; hence, users may apply different wayfinding strategies than those they use in the real world. The goal of this study was to determine how different movement modes and spatial abilities affect wayfinding behavior and spatial knowledge construction in a 3D virtual world. Between-participant factorial analyses were used to determine the effects of two inde-pendent variables, movement modes and spatial ability, on users’ wayfinding performance and spatial knowledge construction. An experiment examined four groups of participants: those with high spatial ability who were instructed in flying or walking in the environment and those with low spatial ability who were instructed in flying or walking. The dependent variables were the number of targets found, the time required, the difficulty of finding tar-gets, preferred wayfinding strategies, route description, presence, the correct rate of sketch-ing map, and users’ spatial knowledge test scores. A total of 72 participants with high or low spatial ability were selected to complete the experiment on the basis of their spatial ability scores. Participants were required to find targets, perform wayfinding activities, sketch maps, and have their spatial knowledge tested in the virtual world. The results showed that the type of movement (flying or walking) affected the number of 3D targets found, time required, difficulty of finding 3D targets, and difficulty of finding 2D targets. In the virtual world, participants with high spatial ability and flyers preferred to adopt a survey strategy and were good at using directions to describe a route. Walkers pre-ferred to adopt a landmark strategy along with a route strategy and were good at using left or right turns to describe a route. Thus, the results showed that the movement mode was the main effect factor. A comparison of the real world and virtual world wayfinding strategies revealed that only the route strategy differed. Furthermore, the results also indicated that participants with high spatial ability constructed more complete survey knowledge than those with low spatial ability. In addition, flyers constructed a more complete landmark knowledge and survey knowledge than walkers. Finally, our results can be applied to suggest suitable movement modes according to the type of task that promote the acquisition of spatial knowledge and improve users’ perfor-mance in virtual worlds. The results also provide design principles for game developers that facilitate the development of interfaces and operational modes that prevent users from los-ing their way.


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