  • 學位論文

基於Tanner and Whitehouse方法的雲端骨齡判讀服務系統

Cloud Bone Age Assessment Service Based on Tanner and Whitehouse Method

指導教授 : 鐘太郎


骨齡評估在醫學應用上扮演相當重要的地位,傳統的骨齡評估以TW(Tanner-Whitehouse)法最廣為使用,而在TW評分法中需藉由X光片與標準圖一張張去做比對,過程繁複且紙本不易攜帶,本系統以雲端為基礎架構,將判別骨齡的方法Tanner-Whitehouse(TW3)法以網頁的形式呈現在雲端上,其評分過程較不受時間、地點影響,只要連上網路即可完成評分作業。 本系統平台,除了上述骨齡評分用途外,亦可提供教育與學習用途,供醫護人員更快的學習並了解TW3評分方法,也可藉由此平台使醫護人員在教學時更加的方便。另外本系統也改善了前一版的評分方式,一張X光片只需點擊21次標準圖即可完成評分作業,僅有前一版的四分之一,讓評分作業的效率更加的提高,而本系統欲將整個系統推廣至更多醫院使用,設置了階級的概念,從總醫院、各級醫院到一般瀏覽者,依需求層度的不同可行使的權限也不同,不會有越權的行為也更可以保護病歷資料。


Bone age assessment plays an important role in medical applications. Traditionally, Tanner-Whitehouse Method is commonly adopted by most physicians to evaluate the bone age of hand radiogram. Although only 20 regions of the hand radiogram are examined against standard radiograms of different growth stages, it is still tedious, time-consuming, and inconvenient if the standard charts are not readily available, and certain trainings are required for the evaluation because the assessment results are easily-affected by different physicians. In thesis, a web-based TW3 bone age assessment system in the Cloud is proposed and implemented using PHP and MySQL to provide a convenient way of performing TW3 evaluation on hand X-ray images. Physicians can perform TW3 evaluation anywhere whenever they can login in the system through internet, free of the limitation of printed standard growth-stage radiograms. Meanwhile the system can also offer a platform in which medical personnel, including physicians, technicians, and nurses can easily learn and/or practice the TW3 evaluation method. The system improved over previous web-based version in three ways: (1) reduced mouse-clicks: only twenty-one mouse clicking times needed to complete the scoring job; (2) enhanced data protection and application scope by more user classes: this system set up the concept of class, each class has its own data access right. (3) system in the cloud, thus reducing the cost of server hardware and maintenance cost.


Bone Age PHP MySQL Cloud Computing Tanner-Whitehouse Method


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