  • 學位論文


Taiwan-Japan-China industrial cooperation strategy

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


摘 要 以往,當我們在討論一個國家的競爭力的時候,常常都會直覺的認為一個國家只要科技先進以及經濟規模強大,該國的競爭力就一定能傲視群倫。然而以北歐的瑞典以及芬蘭為例,這兩個國家的經濟規模與內需市場相較於美國等大國相對較小,但在特定的產業領域,例如通訊產業,其競爭力並不遜於其他大國。然而,究竟是哪些因素使這些經濟規模遠不如其他大國的北歐小國在某些特定產業產生比較優勢? 80 年代,Porter 提出國家競爭優勢的概念,建構一套完整的模型與理論,來論述一國較另一國擁有比較優勢的原因。新近的理論則逐漸發展出競爭力評比系統,除質化的方式之外,也積極導入量化的指標來進行佐證,使得我們對於每一個研究的國家,可以有更客觀的方式來探討一國在某個產業的競爭優勢。由於近年來液晶面板產業逐漸在全球消費性產品市場中扮演重要的角色,有趣的是液晶產業幾乎由亞洲國家,特別是台、日、韓三國所主導,而中國則緊追在後;但以往鮮少有相關的研究來探討這些國家在液晶產業的供應鏈佈局與相對競爭優勢。與競爭國家相較,台灣在技術、生產要素、經營與政策評比明顯優於中國,而中國在市場明顯取得優勢。台灣生產要素、政策均優於日本,而在市場、生產要素、政策領先韓國。 從區域經濟合作的角度來看,則是在台灣與中國大陸簽署兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)之後,他國與台灣策略連結再放眼進軍中國大陸和國際市場的大戰略佈局。如此可以進一步預期,只要兩岸關係維持穩定性的改善,亞洲及西方其他各國對投資台灣的政治顧慮會逐漸減少,但也會詳細檢視台日雙方貿易與投資合作關係是否能創造出實際的經濟綜效,才會進而與台灣結盟創造多贏的局面。台灣與日本有長期合作互信的基礎,因為台灣具有許多日本在其他鄰國不易找到的優勢,包括地理接近、文化融合度高、人民友善、生活便利、教育發達、產業結構完整及企業管理文化相似等。 經由研討面板產業特性、研讀並活用五力分析,及比較台日中之間產業競爭力,綜整後歸納出「區域聯盟,全球佈局」的策略,強化與日本交流,深化產業供應鏈夥伴關係。短期以產能互補,強化競爭優勢為主;中期以共同研發,技術升級為重。期待除作為台灣TFT LCD 產業之策略分析參考外,面對全球經營環境的迅速變化,以及全球化的競爭,如何加強台日產業合作,深耕台日企業互補夥伴關係,以台日策略聯盟技術合作進軍中國市場,攜手共同開拓全球市場,共創互利雙贏。最後提出加速推動重點產業合作、擴大產業合作類別範疇、強化台日企業合作樣態、創新產業合作推動模式、建立產業合作推動體系之具體可行推動策略之建議。




Abstract When people talk about the competitiveness of a country, we used to think that countries with advanced technology and powerful economic scale would certainly have excellent competitive strength. However, to take Sweden and Finland (in Northern Europe) for instance, though these two countries have relatively small economic scale, their competitive strength in certain industrial field (like communication industry) is not less than other great powers (like USA). Why these Northern European small countries overwhelm those great powers in those fields of industry? What factors should be re-considered? In 80’s, Michael Eugene Porter provided a concept of “the competitive advantage of nations” with a complete model and theory to figure out the reasons why a nation gains advantage over the other nation. The theory nowadays has developed evaluation criteria to not only qualitatively describe the factors of competitive advantage, but also quantify those factors. Therefore, we can find of the competitive advantage of a nation in a specific industrial field with relatively objective way. Recently, the liquid crystal panel industry plays an important role in the world-wide consuming market. Interesting point is the Asian countries including Taiwan, Japan and Korea have dominant influence in the liquid crystal industry, China is also running up. But there is rarely research to study the relative competitive advantage and supply chain arrangement among those countries in the liquid crystal industry. Among the competitors, Taiwan got higher evaluation than the China on factors of technique, production, administration, and government policy. And China has higher advantage on market than Taiwan. On the other hand, Taiwan has advantage over Japan on production and government policy; and gain advantage over Korea on market, production factor and government policy. In view of the regional economic cooperation, Taiwan and China have made the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), other countries would like to have strategic connecting with Taiwan for entering the Chinese market and global market. It can be expected that if the relationship between Taiwan and China keeps on improving stably, other Asian and Western countries will have less misgiving on the political issue of Taiwan. They can focus on the actual economic benefit produced by the trading and investing cooperation with Taiwan, then they may build up alliance with Taiwan to create win-win relationship. Taiwan and Japan have long-term cooperation relationship with mutual trust. For being partner of Japan, Taiwan has many advantages which can hardly be found in other countries like geographically close, multicultural, friendly people, convenient life, highly developed education, complete industrial supply chain and similar enterprise culture, etc. The competitiveness among Taiwan, Japan and China in the panel industry is studied by utilizing the “Five Forces” analysis basing on the characteristics of this field. The writer concludes and provides “Regional Alliance, Globally Overall Arrangement” strategy. The strategy aims to reinforce the interaction with Japan, and to strengthen the supply chain partnership. The short-term goal is to complement each other on industrial production, and to enhance the competitiveness advantage of Taiwan. The middle-tern goal is to joint research with Japan for technology upgrades. While the global management environment changing fast, and the global competition getting tougher, it is expected that this report can be not only reference for TFT LCD industry developing strategy, but also valuable for reinforcing the Taiwan-Japan cooperation, deepening Taiwan-Japan complement partnership of enterprises to enter, for example, the Chinese market by Taiwan –Japan strategic alliance. Therefore, Taiwan and Japan can work together to open up global market, to build up a mutually beneficial win-win model. Finally, the report provides the suggestions for accelerating the cooperation on key industries, expanding the range of the industrial cooperation, strengthening Taiwan-Japan business cooperation patterns, innovating industrial cooperation models and establishing system for pushing industrial cooperation.




﹝2﹞ Charles H. Fine “Clockspeed: Winning Industry Control in the Age of Temporary Advantage”, 1998 (李均譯,”脈動速度下的決策者”, 大塊文化, 2000)
﹝4﹞ Thomas Friedman “The World is Flat”, 2005(楊振富譯, “世界是平的”, 雅言,2005)
﹝8﹞ DisplaySearch Market Updates 2012Q1
﹝1﹞ 徐作聖、邱奕嘉, 2008年, 高科技產業策略與競爭(第二版) 全華圖書


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