  • 學位論文


Double Helix Structure on the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell’s Commercialization Strategy

指導教授 : 黎正中


全球極端氣候現象歸咎原因,不外乎人類為了滿足無窮止境的慾望,過度消耗地球有限資源的結果。人類對於化石然燃料過度且大量消耗的結果,對於潔淨的替代能源產生急迫性的需求,期望減緩極端氣候問題來挽救地球與人類本身。 2011年3月11日下午2點46分左右,東日本的本州外海發生芮氏規模9.0的強烈地震,之後,伴隨著時速850公里的大海嘯,不僅一瞬間摧毀了鄰近地震區域;福島核電廠抽水發電機也因為海嘯影響而無法順利運作發電。核電廠的停電與停機造成冷卻系統的故障,反應爐因為融爐而發生了嚴重的核子輻射污染事件,迫使東日本地區施行大規模限電措施。雖然,替代或再生能源發展與技術未臻成熟,短時間內尚無法成為主流能源,核能發電雖然產生較少的CO2以及發電效率高等優點,然而核能發電發生意外事故與核廢料處理的問題,其潛在性風險隱憂仍然是一項非常重大的挑戰,關切地球物種永續生存的國家、民眾以及環保團體等,對於這種高危險性的能源無法持續忍受。 燃料電池與傳統內燃機比較之下有低空氣汙染、低噪音、發電副產物為水不會汙染環境,自然界的氫氣取用不盡等優點。本研究以雙螺旋架構為主體討論質子交換膜燃料電池商品化的策略,以關鍵性零組件、供應鏈及產業特性與環境為基礎,進行了解並深入探討,並針對產品商品化部分提出建議,希望能對關切此產業發展的先進,能有拋磚引玉的效果。


The global extreme climate caused largely by mankind her self’s infinite demands。Exceeding consumption of nature fossil fuel resources was so huge,thus,to solve this critical issues,substitutes energy which was called the Green Energy becomes urgently needed。 In March 11.2011 around Pm:2:46,the 9.0 magnitude earthquake,which occurred at the east coast of Japan,accompanied with 850 km/hr tsunami,not only rocks its neighborhood areas,but also destroyed everything which near this area in just a second。a nuclear power emergency with residents evacuated after a plant in Fukushima suffered a mechanical failure,when it was shut down after earthquake。 Substitutes energy or biology energy is still fledging and cannot become into a mainstream fuel resources in short time,nuclear power has its own advantage to generate high efficiency and clean power and exhausted less CO2,but it still loom large for people whom treated nuclear power waste disposal is still a big issue。no matter what mankind but also species which lives on this mother earth,no longer could stand this risk energy existing in global community any longer。Comparisons with Fuel cell and traditional internal combustion engine,fuel cell have less air pollution and noise,its byproduct are water and heat,and Fuel Cell seems could runs without restriction if hydrogen could supply continuously。 The purpose for this article is aims at on Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell’s commercialization strategy,which follow on double helix structure theory,with analyses based on critical components parts、supply value chain and characteristics of this industry,hope could find a way of strategy for commercialization,and could rise interests to whom are concerns in this field。


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