  • 學位論文


EFL Learners’ Use of Discourse Strategies for and Investment in Engaging Audience in English Oral Presentations

指導教授 : 張銪容 黃虹慈


在課堂中進行英語口頭簡報時,成功地與觀眾互動並吸引其注意力能夠幫助講者有效地傳遞訊息,學習如何在英語口頭簡報中與觀眾互動及吸引其注意力可能能夠幫助學生在學校及職場中具備更多優勢。然而,目前關於英語口頭簡報之研究大多集中於有經驗之講者,較少研究著重於大學生之課堂英語簡報。本研究旨在探討台灣以英語為外國語之大學生,在課堂以英語進行口頭簡報時如何使用言談策略與觀眾互動並吸引其注意力,並探討大學生於英語簡報時投資心力與觀眾互動之原因。本研究之分析架構採用Hyland (2001, 2005a) 提出之「參與模型」(model of engagement),以及Norton (2000;Norton Peirce, 1995) 提出之投資理論(investment)。 共三十四位大學生參與本研究,研究進行時,所有受試者正在修習英語口語訓練課,三十三位受試者為外語系學生,一位受試者為科技管理學院生。本研究語料來源為受試者於英語口語訓練課中上台進行之英語口頭簡報,受試者之英語口頭報告全程錄影並且做成逐字稿,以Hyland (2001, 2005a) 之「參與模型」(model of engagement) 分析受試者進行英語口語報告時與觀眾互動時使用之言談策略。此外,研究員也於英語口語訓練課中進行四次課室觀察,並且與二十位自願受試者一對一進行三次半結構訪談。課室觀察及訪談有助了解受試者進行英語口頭簡報時之言談策略使用、投資心力與觀眾互動之原因,及決定受試者是否與觀眾互動之影響因素。 研究發現受試者之言談策略多採用命令(directives) 及問句 (questions),其言談策略使用受到許多因素影響,例如為了傳遞訊息、幫助觀眾消化吸收資訊、達到課程要求,及提升觀眾好奇心及注意力。訪談結果顯示大多數受試者為了得到立即或長遠效益,例如更好的課堂成績、被觀眾喜歡,及在職場中具備更多優勢,於英語口頭報告中投資心力與觀眾互動。研究結果可幫助教師提升學生對於不同觀眾互動之言談策略之了解,並且幫助學生更有效地投資心力達成學習目標。


When giving English oral presentations in ESP or EAP courses, it is important for learners to manage this interactional aspect when presenting, because appropriately engaging audience may make the presentation more effective and is a skill valued in academic fields and at the workplace. As limited studies have examined EFL learners’ engagement or non-engagement of audience in English oral presentations, this study explores Taiwanese EFL undergraduates’ audience engagement in English oral presentations, including their use of discourse strategies and reasons behind their investment in engaging audience. Analytical frameworks utilized are audience engagement strategies primarily adopted from Hyland’s(2001, 2005a) model of engagement and Norton’s (2000; Norton Peirce, 1995) theory of investment. A total of 34 Taiwanese EFL learners were recruited from two English Oral Training courses at a university in Northern Taiwan during the 2013 Spring semester. All informants were English majors, except one who was Technology Management major. Data sources includes: (1) 55 video-recorded English oral presentations given by the participating EFL learners, (2) classroom observations, and (3) one-on-one semi-structured interviews and reviewing of recorded oral presentations with volunteer informants. It is found that most informants were able to engage audience with directives and questions, and their choice of strategies was influenced by various factors. It is also found that some informants decided to invest in engaging audience because this would bring them immediate or potential future returns that granted them more material or symbolic resources. With the findings, it is suggested that instructors raise the learners’ awareness toward the linguistic resources for engaging audience and help the learners effectively target their investment toward their goals.


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