  • 學位論文


Studies of Transient Effects from Single-Λ to Double-Λ Systems under the All-Resonant Condition

指導教授 : 余怡德


鑒於在實驗上發現了兩種相似的雙Λ系統有其完全不同的能量耗損機制,本文探討電磁波誘發透明(Electromagnetically Induced Transparency,簡稱EIT)的單Λ系統轉換成四波混合(Four-Wave Mixing,簡稱FWM)的雙Λ系統中能量耗損。主要研究的研究工作區分為三部分。第一部分,緩變條件的尋找。利用暗態分析和非暗態分析的方式,雙Λ系統能夠有適當的物理圖像作拆解,最後我們的得以獲得反應時間(response time)和耦合光的上升時間(rising time)的比較關係,也就是所謂的緩變條件(adiabatic condition)。第二部分,基態同調(ground state coherence)和探測光的能量分布形式。我們討論暗態激子(dark state polariton)在系統中扮演的角色,以及證明其能量分配的形式和物理量 η 有直接相關。於此部份的最後,我們說明於EIT系統中的能量分配比例同時也會影響到系統的耗損機制。第三部分,高轉換效率的設計。基於前兩部分的探討,我們期望設計既滿足變條件(第一部分結論)也使得系統能量集中於基態同調(第二部分結論)的高轉換效率系統。本文最後探討三種不同高轉換效率的雙Λ系統並比較其轉換效率。


In experiment, we have found two similar double-Λ systems, which have converse absorption result. For the sake of understanding the absorption mechanisms between these two cases, we focus the primary research target on absorption mechanisms from single-Λ to double-Λ system. The research process can be divided by three parts. The first one is about the adiabatic condition. According to dark state and non-dark state analysis, double-Λ system will be decomposed to two eigen-modes. Based on the physics decomposition method, the relation between rising time from coupling light and response time is found (or we call the relation: adiabatic condition). The second part is about the energy ratio between ground state coherence and the probe light. Dark state polariton, as a quantum particle, carries the information during propagation in single-Λ and double-Λ system by ground state coherence and probe light. We use numerical calculations to prove that the energy ration between these two components of dark state polariton is related to a physical quantity η. Final part is about the designing of a conversion system with high conversion efficiency. According to previous two parts result, we are capable to design a system with negligible energy loss; finally we compare three types of conversion systems.


Single-Λ Double-Λ Transient Effect


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