  • 學位論文

TFT LCD關鍵零組件-TV用偏光板之產業發展策略分析研究-以達信科技為例

指導教授 : 黎正中


摘要 TFT–LCD 產業被喻為繼半導體之後最具發展潛力的明星產業,而偏光板又是LCD之重要關鍵零組件之一。過去偏光板因技術門檻高及原物料均掌握在日本廠商手中,因此競爭者少、毛利偏高。近年來因面板產能大量開出,在這些動輒千億的大型投資中,各家面板廠為了降低材料成本而進行整合,同時避免受限於偏光板上游原材料的缺貨,因此面板廠也紛紛跨入偏光板領域。偏光板製造有一定的學習門檻且學習曲線較長,目前市場上的領導廠商在日本有日東、住友、三立;在韓國有LGC、ACE;在台灣則有達信科技、奇美材料及力特光電等,雖然新加入者暫時不致對原有偏光板大廠形成重大威脅,但其意義是偏光板產業的戰國時代已經來臨。因此本研究嘗試分析偏光板產業之產業結構及競爭優勢,並採用個案研究法,選擇台灣最大偏光板供應商達信科技,經由既有文獻的歸納和個案研究後,探討該個案公司之競爭優勢。研究結果發現,個案公司之主要競爭優勢在於核心技術平台、優秀的人才資源及良好之供應鏈佈局,並積極尋求與供應商及客戶間的連結,使得相關的價值活動達到最佳化,得以強化企業之競爭優勢。並藉此提供液晶電視用偏光板產業永續經營的雙贏策略以及成長之道,來提供各偏光板廠商作為經營策略的參考。


Abstract The majority of TFT LCD applications, including notebook computers (NB), LCD monitors, LCD TVs, and handheld electronic devices are all related to the consumers. Since flat panel displays(FPDs) have gradually seen wider application in our daily lives, the TFT-LCD panel demand is increasing. Additionally, the manufacturing technology of TFT-LCD screens has matured in its efficiency and began to be popularized in recent years, and its relevant component is developed accordingly. Polarizer takes up a large part of the total cost for LCD module. After various manufacturers gradually put it into mass production, polarizer film became the key point for panel plants to bring down the cost of LCD modules. Polarizer film are key components of TFT-LCD panels. Because their production demands high technical know-how and the supply of their raw materials was under the control of Japanese companies, these companies used to have few competitors and their investments that often amount to hundreds of billions of NT dollars, panel producers have undertaken vertical integration in order to reduce costs for production. In order to also to avoid being limited by the shortage of raw materials, panel producers have been reaching into the polarizer industry one after another. It takes a relatively long time to be able to control the quality of polarizers and to produce a large amount of them. Daxon Technology is the leader in industry in Taiwan due to its technology advantage. At its peak, the global market share of Daxon polarizer film was over 10%. In addition to Daxon, other major polarizer film manufacturers include Korean LGC and ACE, Japanese Nitto、Sumitomo、Sanritz and Taiwan CMT, Optimax. This study proceeds with the approach of a case study, and chooses Daxon as the case target. According to the relevant literature and case studies, we provide the best competitive strategies for the case target. The result of this study indicates that key competitive advantages of Daxon are: core technology platforms, excellent human resource and global supply chain management. Daxon allied with suppliers and customers to optimize related value activity to enhance the company’s competitive advantages. Based on the research of this project, some competitive strategies were provided to the industry for further development.


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