  • 學位論文


Women’s Magazines’ Portrayal of Modernity and the Urban Narrative of Shanghai in the 1930s: A Study Based on The Women’s Pictorial

指導教授 : 楊佳嫻


本研究以《婦人畫報》(1933-1937) 為對象,探討雜誌以圖像、文章來呈現、塑造1930年代女性形象,以及這種大眾文化形象與女性日常生活間的影響脈絡。三〇年代的上海為繁忙的國際大都會,亦是當時中國活絡的文化中心,「畫報文化」在消費社會和出版界重視市民審美趣味、向讀者市場靠攏下,成為一種報刊趨勢。由文人主持、刊載文學作品的刊物,則藉由文學化的舉動與通俗畫刊拉開距離,《婦人畫報》便是這類以漫畫家郭建英主編、現代派作家群體為主筆的文藝畫報,其中「都市女性」是《婦人畫報》的敘述主體,則其如何從商業性的意識概念和先鋒的文藝形式,來開創令人注目的女性形象,便是本文關注的焦點。本研究的嘗試,是考察三〇年代畫刊市場,以及良友圖書印刷公司打造都市文化想像工程的背景,對《婦人畫報》本身呈現的女性形象進行檢視,進一步論述背後操作的性別意識,並具體分析雜誌中文學作品的文藝形式與修辭方式,來勘查此一文藝畫報用以表述三〇年代上海的敘事話語。


This study uses the pictures and articles in issues of The Women’s Pictorial (from 1933 to 1937) to discuss how the magazine portrayed women in the 1930s’ Shanghai and analyzes how women’s images in the publications had an influence on their daily life. Shanghai in the 1930s was a bustling metropolitan city as well as the cultural center of China. In the consumer society of the day, which was highly reader oriented, “pictorial culture” became a popular contribution of the publishing industry in Shanghai. However, some pictorials distinguished themselves from the others that were full of pictures by publishing literature works of famous writers. The Women’s Pictorial was one among these unique literary pictorials; it was edited by the cartoonist Guo Jianying and several works of Chinese modernists were published in its issues. However, the concern of this study is to analyze the urban woman, the subject of The Women’s Pictorial, from two perspectives: commercial marketing and experimental literary forms. I first investigate the pictorial market in the 1930s’ Shanghai and the historical background of the Liang You Company. Second, I discuss the gender issues in The Women’s Pictorial by specifically examining the visual and rhetorical forms of pictures and articles. Finally, I aim to reveal how The Women’s Pictorial depicted the urban narrative in its unique content.


彭小妍,〈「新女性」與上海都市文化:新感覺派研究〉,《中國文哲研究期刊》第10期 ,1997年3月,頁317-356。
