  • 學位論文


A Study of Verbal Morphology in Mayrinax Atayal

指導教授 : 廖秀娟


Chinese Abstract 摘要 在本論文中,筆者著重在探討汶水泰雅語的動詞分類,焦點標記和動詞詞綴的語意以及形態句法特徴。雖然在文獻中己經有許多學者探討過汶水泰雅的動詞分類、焦點標記及動詞詞綴,但文獻中尚未詳盡討論動詞分類及相關主題。本文所使用的角色指稱語法理論(Role and Reference Grammar)對動詞分類有獨到的見解及提供多方面的動詞內在特徵分析,故非常適合用來描述與解釋動詞的語法行為與分類。 以角色指稱語法理論為基礎的動詞分類系統(Aktionsart tests)以四種詞彙特徵來顯現各類動詞的內在語意及時貌特性:靜態性、動態性、終點性及瞬間性。依此四種詞彙特徵,筆者將汶水泰雅語動詞分為五類:第一類為帶有動態但無終點性及瞬間性的活動動詞,第二類為帶有靜態性但無終點性及瞬間性的靜態動詞,第三類為帶有動態性、終點性及瞬間性的瞬成動詞,第四類為帶有終點性但無瞬間性的成就動詞,第五類為帶有瞬間性但無終點性的瞬實動詞。 一般稱為焦點標記的詞綴m-,-un,-an,和si-在汶水泰雅的動詞五類中展現出不同類別動詞的內在語意及時貌特性。不同的詞綴與不同類別的動詞產生各種衍生語意。然而並非每個詞綴都能出現於五類動詞中,例如詞綴m-通常不會出現在表達屬性的狀態動詞。本文發現這些詞綴與五類動詞有共同出現的限制。第一,有特定終點或具體量詞的活動動詞會轉為活動成就動詞,而當活動動詞轉為活動成就動詞後會偏好出現在-un或-an句子。第二,有關心理狀態的靜態動詞通常出現在-un,-an,或si-句子,若出現在m-的句子時,則有臆斷的詮釋。第三,前四類動詞(除了第五類瞬實動詞外)可和使役動詞詞綴pa- 結合衍生出使役動詞,而且通常出現在-un句子。 根據本文中的語料分析,筆者推論m-,-un,-an,和si-等這些詞綴具有多重功能:他們除了文獻中所提到的焦點標記、動詞詞綴、及帶有時貌訊息的功能外,還有與動詞分類相關的功能。在這些焦點標記的詞綴中,詞綴si-有最多樣的衍生語意。除了介紹具有動詞詞綴功能的焦點標記詞綴外,本文也介紹其他動詞衍生詞綴,例如:ma-/pa-,matag(a)-,mas-,maka-,ta-/ti-,maki-,and mag(a)-。透過角色指稱語法理論的邏輯結構分析可知這些動詞衍生詞綴有三種動詞衍生方式:第一,從名詞詞幹衍生出活動動詞;第二,從活動動詞詞幹衍生出靜態動詞;第三,從靜態動詞詞幹衍生出成就動詞。因此筆者推論這些詞綴不僅具有動詞衍生詞綴的功能還有與動詞分類相關的功能。


English Abstract This study deals with the classification of Mayrinax Atayal verbs, the semantics and morphosyntax of focus markers and other verbal prefixes. Although a number of previous studies have dealt with verb classification and affixes in Atayal, these studies appear to have overlooked some aspects of inherent features of verbs. The framework of Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) used in this study offers a unique view on lexical decomposition and provides us with a comprehensive analysis of verb classification. The RRG-based Aktionsart tests manifest inherent semantic and temporal properties of each verb class in terms of four features: staticity, dynamicity, telicity, and punctuality. Mayrinax Atayal verbs are classified into five classes: (i)Activity, (ii)State, (iii)Achievement, (iv)Accomplishment, and (v) Semelfactive. The so-called ‘focus’ affixes m-, -un, -an, and si- have distinct meanings in the five classes of verbs and can manifest inherent semantic properties of each verb class. These affixes with different verb classes will yield various derivational interpretations; however, not every affix will appear in all verb classes. For example, the affix m- is not found in individual-level states. Moreover, there are some co-occurrenc restrictions between these affixes and the five verb classes. First, when activities refer to a definite goal, a specific, or quantified object, they will become active accomplishments, usually occurring in -un or -an clauses. Second, stage-level psych predicates are usually expressed in -un, -an, or si- clauses. Third, except semelfactive, all other verb classes can take the causative prefix pa- to derive causative predicates, and the derived forms usually occur in -un clauses. Results from RRG Aktionsart tests suggest that the so-called ‘focus’ affixes, such as m-, -un, -an, and si-, have multiple functions: valency increasing, focus markers, TAM information carriers, and verb classification differentiators. Among these affixes, the affix si- yields the most diverse derivational interpretations: instrument, benefactive, malefactive, transported theme, reason, and valence-increasing. In addition to the so-called ‘focus’ affixes, there are more prefixes that can be used to derive verbs, e.g. ma-/pa-, matag(a)-, mas-, maka-, ta-/ti-, maki-, mag(a)-. Using RRG logical structure analysis, it is noted that there are three types of verbal derivational processes: (i) deriving an activity predicate from a nominal root, (ii) deriving a state predicate from an activity root, and (iii) deriving an accomplishment from a state root. Therefore, we can tell that these prefixes function not only as verbal derivational affixes but also as verb class differentiators.


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