  • 學位論文

畫說貓型人格 -李亞寧插畫「近貓者喵」創作論述

Draw a cat personality -The creation discourse of Lee Ya Ning’s Illustration "Those who are near cats meow"

指導教授 : 黃銘祝


根據內政部與農委會數據推估,全台家貓與家犬的總數量,最快於2020年下半年將首度超過十五歲以下孩童數,在毛小孩中「貓」是近年數量成長最快、人氣最強的種族,社會上湧現一股「貓熱潮」各種的貓咖啡、貓畫展、貓書店乃至「猴硐貓村」、「網紅貓」這類「貓咪經濟學」概念下的貓文化萌發,此貓道正行原因複雜,其中可確定的是人們正由集體服從的「犬系社會」,進入到追求自我的「貓系社會」,這是否意味著人際間的關係改變及處世態度的轉化。 因為這現象促使筆者想探討貓在人類生活中能否影響人對生活的態度及生命的概念,以及探討插畫創作貓型人格表徵於繪畫藝術上的面相及意義與透過貓為主角的插畫創作,傳達對世界關懷及個人生活與生命的體悟。因此本創作以三個系列達成上述目標:1.貓的哲學系列:透過此系列將貓的行為做為人生哲學的對照。2.貓型人思維系列:透過本系列呈現人與貓相處後思維的轉變。3.貓型人格的生活面相:在表達人們受貓影響的生活行為的改變。 本創作透過插畫呈現多元且可以廣泛運用,作品能反映貓與人在各個方面的象徵,非常地貼近生活,因此本創作研究發現 : (一)貓對待生活的態度是會影響人(尤其是飼主)對生活的態度及生命的概念。(二)插畫創作貓型人格表徵於繪畫藝術上的面相多且廣及意義也多元。(三)以貓為主角的插畫創作,可傳達對世界關懷及個人生活與生命的體悟。   在新世紀裡,世界依然不斷的轉動往前邁進。從養貓的生活及插畫的創作中,似乎找到也看到新社會及新價值的產生,因身在其中期許自己認識它並祈承先啟後從中找到平衡、平靜與幸福。


插畫 貓系社會 人格 幸福


According to the estimates from the Ministry of Agriculture, the total number of domestic cats and dogs in Taiwan will exceed the number of children under the age of 15 for the first time in the second half of 2020. Among the fur children, "cat" has the most popularity and is the fastest-growing race in recent years. There is a "cat boom" in the society. Various cat economics such as cat coffee, cat art exhibitions, cat bookstores, social accounts for cats and "Houdong Cat Village" are sprouting under this cat-loving culture. Although the reasons for this circumstance are complicated, what is certain is that people are transforming from the "canine society" of collective obedience to the "cat society" of self-pursuing. Does this mean a change in interpersonal relationships and our attitude towards life? Wondering this phenomenon, the author wants to explore if cats can affect people’s attitudes towards life, as well as to explore the aspect of the cat-shaped personality represented in the art of painting;furthermore, to express author’s understanding about world-care, personal life and our existence through the illustrations with cats being the protagonist. Therefore, this creation uses three series to achieve the goals on the above: 1. Cat's Philosophy Series. Through this series, the cat's behavior is used as a contrast to the philosophy of life. 2. Cat-shaped person thinking series. This series shows the change of thoughts after people get along with cats. 3. The life aspect of cat personality, which shows the changes in people's behaviors after affected by cats. This creation shows the property of illustrations that are diversified and can be widely used. The artwork reflects the symbolism of cats and people in all aspects, and is very close to life. In the research, author found that: (1) Cats’ attitude towards life affects people’s attitudes (especially the owners) towards life and their thoughts of life. (2) Illustration of the cat-shaped personality are full of posibilities and has multiple meanings in the art of painting. (3) By the illustrations with cats being the protagonist, people can convey their understanding of world care and personal life. In the new era, the world is still moving forward. From the life of raising cats and the creation of illustrations, I find and see the forming of new society and new values and hope to know it, pray for the balance, peace and happiness from it.


Illustration Cat Society Personality happiness


1. 五十嵐健太(Kenta lgarashi) 著,張沛榛 譯《飛天貓》,台北市:時報,2015。
2. 左秀靈主編,《當代國語辭典》,台北市:建宏,1999。
3. 朱建軍 著,《解讀人格意象》,臺北市:國家,2014。
4. 吳子厚 選析,秦似 審定《千古風流人物~蘇東坡作品賞析》,臺北市:開今文化,1993。
5. 宋晨、劉欣欣編著《插畫藝術的奇幻漂流》,臺北市:佳魁資訊,2013。
