  • 學位論文


Evaluating the effects of mixing augmented reality and virtual reality on junior high school students’ conceptual understanding, learning engagement and scientific inquiry ability about genetics

指導教授 : 王姿陵 唐文華


本研究目的在於探討「遺傳學虛擬軟體」對學生科學概念理解、學習投入程度及探究能力的影響。此虛擬軟體利用虛擬實境(VR)與擴增實境技術(AR)開發,內容包含「孟德爾的遺傳實驗」、「基因與遺傳」、「人類性狀的遺傳」。 本研究對象來自台中市一所國中共四個班級及新竹縣一所國中兩個班級,採用準實驗設計,其中三個班為實驗組共79人,進行遺傳學虛擬軟體教學;另三個班為對照組共78人,進行一般教學,教學時間皆為四節課180分鐘。測驗工具包含「遺傳學二階診斷測驗」、「學習投入程度量表」及「探究能力學習單」。資料分析方法包含敘述統計、單因子共變數分析、卡方檢定及獨立樣本t檢定。 本研究的重要發現如下: 一、使用「遺傳學虛擬軟體」對學生在「遺傳」單元的整體概念理解顯著優於一般教學,也能有助於提升「基因有顯性與隱性之分」、「棋盤方格與機率」、「染色體上的基因數」、「基因在染色體上標示位置」、「血型的遺傳」、「隱性性狀的遺傳」等相關概念的理解。 二、使用「遺傳學虛擬軟體」對學生學習投入程度顯著優於一般教學。 三、使用「遺傳學虛擬軟體」對學生「觀察」與「討論與傳達」等探究能力顯著優於一般教學,但對於「定題」與「分析與發現」等探究能力,實驗組與對照組則無顯著差異。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of using “genetics virtual software” on junior high school students’ conceptual understanding, learning engagement and inquiry ability . This virtual software was developed through augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies. The topic of this software is “ Genetics”, including three concepts: “Mendel’s genetic experiment”, “genes and heredity” and “inheritance of human characters” . This study included four classes from a junior high school in Taichung City and two classes from a junior high school in Hsinchu County. The experimental group included 79 students from three classes with “genetics virtual software” experiment teaching, while the control group included 78 students from three other classes with regular teaching. The teaching time was four lessons, 180 minutes in total. The research instruments included “two-tier genetics diagnosis test” , “learning engagement scale” and “inquiry ability worksheet”. The data analysis included descriptive statistics, one-way ANCOVA, chi-square and independent sample t-test. The important findings of this study are as follows: 1.Students using “Genetics virtual software” achieved better conceptual understanding of “genes are classified into dominant and recessive”, “ Punnett square and probability”, “ number of genes on chromosome”, “ locations of genes marked on chromosomes” , “inheritance of blood type” and “inheritance of recessive characters” than students receiving regular teaching. 2.Students using “Genetics virtual software” achieved better students' learning engagement than students receiving regular teaching. 3.Students using “Genetics virtual software” achieved better inquiry abilities of “observation” and “communication and conveyance” than students receiving regular teaching; however, as for “formulation of questions” and “analysis and discovery”, there was no significant difference between virtual experiment teaching and regular teaching.


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