  • 學位論文

陪伴具有攻擊行為的兒童共構故事: 敘事治療理念之實踐歷程研究

Re-authoring the Stories of a Child with Aggressive Behaviors:A Study on the Process of Narrative Therapy in Action

指導教授 : 施香如


本研究旨在透過行動研究之歷程,了解運用敘事治療陪伴兒童共構之故事與實踐歷程。本研究徵詢一位兒童來訪者-小M與家長同意參與,小M為一名具有攻擊行為之四年級兒童,實習諮商心理師以敘事治療理念與小M進行十次個別諮商,並於歷程中透過與專業同儕、專業督導的合作對話,形成諮商後的反思,再以反思為依據分析資料,轉化為下次諮商晤談前的理解。諮商歷程結束後,運用開放式編碼方式分析諮商逐字稿文本與行動歷程產出資料,形成諮商中的兒童故事與共構故事的時刻之內容,並統整諮商前的理解與規劃、共構故事的時刻,以及諮商後的反思,形成實踐歷程結果。 研究結果歸納小M在諮商中再述個人經驗的故事主題有七個,分別為「小M想要的不只是大人為我好」、「無能為力使小M的不開心逐漸變大」、「小M受不喜歡的”不開心”影響背後的真正期待」、「因為重視關係,小M願意採取不同的方法」、「小M重新訂定逐步奪回生活的計畫」、「比起缺點,小M更在乎朋友對關係的重視」,以及「小M以在乎關係的心意,實踐喜歡的生活」。整體而言,兒童故事由逐漸願意說出內在想法,並發現自己珍視的價值後,移動看待事情的觀點,進而產生看待事情觀點的彈性,最後可以擴展觀點。 此外,共構故事的十個歷程主題「受到改變影響的好奇心」、「傾聽與理解帶來的故事空間」、「以外化對話解構人與問題的關係」、「外化概念的再延伸」、「保持問題與人的關係彈性」、「閃亮時刻解構"不開心"的影響範圍」、「陪伴經歷混亂與作決定的歷程」、「從對話使小M看見閃亮時刻的自己」、「運用重寫對話協助小M理解自己」、「探詢、欣賞決定故事走向的歷程」。從實踐歷程中發現,共構故事需以傾聽理解展開故事的空間,並充分了解故事,而非以改變落入外界對兒童的期待中,並以對敘事治療的信念引導對話的進行,重視經驗被兒童述說的方式,留意潛藏於對話中可能發展另類故事之開端特殊意義事件,最後以欣賞促成來訪兒童主導的故事。 根據研究結果,透過行動實踐分享歷程中產出之暫時性知識,提供新手諮商心理師以敘事治療陪伴攻擊行為兒童之實踐歷程參考。


The study aims to investigae the stories and process of co-authering with a child stories by Narrative Therapy approach. The study’s respondent “little M”, who was a 4th-grade student with aggressive behavioral problem. “little M” participate 10 sessions counseling with the counselor trainee whose professional approach was Narrative Therapy. Besides the recording the discourses of counseling sessions, professional peer reflections and supervisory reflections on each counseling actoin circle was formulated and written. Counselor trainee interpreted and analyzed reflection content, and then translated into the understanding before the next counseling. After the termination of 10 session counseling the transcription were open coded to formulate the content of the stories co-authoring by little M and counser trainee. There were 7 themes founded from little M’s narration in the counseling: “What little M wants is not only the parents’ goodness for him,” “Little M’s unhappiness grows gradually due to powerlessness,” “The underline reason whether Little M’s accepted the ‘unhappiness’ impacts or not,” “Values the relations with others make little M is willing to try other options”,“Little M start to replan for mastering his own life in steps” “Rather to appreciate friends’ treasure on relations than pay attion to their shortcomings” and “With the caring about relationships, little M live his favorite life .” As the concusion, the stories transformed with these followings: when he began to speak out his inner thoughts, in the narration emerged the values what he treasured, the viewpoints in narrating “problems” were broaden and more flexible, and re-make his decision according to his favorite beliefs and values. The counselor trainee's ten themes in co-authoring: (a) The influence on curiosity. (b) The story space created through listening and understanding. (c) The use of externalized conversation to deconstruct the relationship between the people and the problem. (d) The continuing extension of the externalization concept. (e) The preservation of the relationship's flexibility between the problem and the people. (f) The deconstruction of the extent of unhappiness' effect at the sparkling moment. (g) The accompaniment through the confusion and decision-making stage. (h) The utilization of conversations to enable Little M to see himself in the sparking moment. (i) Helping Little M to understand himself through revisiting the conversation. (j) The exploration and appreciation process to determine to direction of the story. Through practice, we discovered that instead of changing the world's expectation towards children, co-authoring requires one to create the story space by listening and comprehending, in addition to the sufficient understanding of the story. Additionally, co-authoring should leverage the trust in Narrative Therapy to lead the conversation and focus on the way the experience is described by the children. One should pay attention to the unique outcomes that can potentially develop into alternative narrative. At the end, use appreciation to encourage the visiting children to lead the story. Finally, some references based on the reflection of action for the novice counselors who work with the children with aggressive behavior via narrative intervention.


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