  • 學位論文


The Influence of Origami Activities on Understanding Properties of Axial Symmetry

指導教授 : 許慧玉


本研究旨在探討摺紙活動對國小五年級學童發展線對稱圖形概念的影響歷程。本研究使用個案研究法,先進行摺紙飛機的實作,再採半結構式的訪談,進行資料之蒐集與分析。本研究採取便利取樣,研究對象為新竹縣某國小未學習過線對稱圖形單元之五年級學童,依據其數學表現分為高、中、低成就各3位,共9名學童,藉此了解各學童的認知概念發展路徑,以及學童習得之線對稱圖形內涵為何。本研究可歸納出以下結果與發現: (一)摺紙活動有助於個案學童學習多數線對稱圖形之內涵,9名個案中,達成對稱軸兩側圖形全等、對稱角等大、對稱邊等長之教學目標者有9人,對稱點到對稱軸距離相等之目標達成者8人,對稱軸垂直對稱點連線之目標達成者4人。 (二)各學童於活動中的學習路徑與發展層次有所差異,學童較易從「面、邊、角」觀察與發展線對稱圖形概念,對稱點是最容易學童忽略的概念。 (三)具體物的操作(如:對摺)是國小五年級學童檢驗線對稱圖形的主要方式,工具測量(例:量角器、直尺、三角板)次之,幾何圖形推理最後。


The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of origami on the development of the concept of line-symmetrical graphics for fifth grade primary school students. In this study, a case study method was used to implement origami airplanes first, followed by semi-structured interviews for data collection and analysis. This study uses convenient sampling. The research object is a fifth-grade schoolchildren who have not studied linearly symmetrical graphic units in a primary school in Hsinchu County. According to their mathematical performance, they are divided into three high, medium, and low achievements. What is the connotation of the line symmetry of the schoolchildren's acquisition, and the development path of each schoolchild's cognitive concept. This study can summarize the following results and findings: (1)Origami activities help case students learn the meaning of most line-symmetrical figures There are 8 target achievers with equal distance from point to axis of symmetry, and 4 target achievers with lines of symmetry perpendicular to the point of symmetry. (2)The learning path and development level of each student in the activity are different. School children are easier to observe and develop the concept of line-symmetrical graphics from "faces, edges, and corners." Symmetrical points are the most easily overlooked concepts by school children. (3)The operation of concrete objects (such as half-folding) is the main way for fifth grade primary school students to check line symmetry figures, followed by tool measurements (eg protractor, ruler, set square), and geometric figure reasoning last.


