  • 學位論文


The Imagination and Construction of “Subjectivity” in Hong Kong Literature from 1970s

指導教授 : 蔡英俊


摘 要   本文嘗試從「主體性」的角度出發,分析香港文學所呈顯的主體發聲位置及其如何敘述、如何論述的問題。   一九七五年,西西《我城》有意識地從本土立場出發,建立「我城」的主體性;後來,有更多香港作家從空間、時間、身體等不同角度切入,探問建構「主體性」時必須思考的幾個問題:我(們)是誰?我(們)該往何處去?我(們)又從哪裡來?提供研究者解讀文學作品中涉及歷史、認同與想像的路徑。時代變遷,「我城」所蘊含的本土意涵也不斷隨著香港作家的書寫蛻變與翻新;面對多重時間界線的香港,懷舊、反懷舊的思考及重返歷史的寫作,是香港作家在時間洪流中尋求「安放自我」和「製造香港」可能性的策略;為了對抗來自殖民者的壓迫或國族主義的收編,香港作家選擇用自己的方式重新詮釋「回歸」等政治符號的意義,或以鬼魅、或用殘缺的身體隱喻社會處於的非正常狀態,並進行對大論述的衝撞。在文學創作之外,香港學者亦藉由「論述」,闡釋香港文學的定義與特色,且經由實際挖掘、整理文學史料,逐步邁向「立史」的目標。   是以,香港作家和學者們在相異的時空背景,召喚共同的本地思考,藉由書寫香港城市,表現其寫作位置和書寫策略,說自己的香港故事。本文則藉此跳脫以往「夾縫」和「邊緣」的論述框架,一窺其所建構出的香港文學「主體性」。


Abstract   Through a “subjectivity” perspective, this study attempts to analyze the viewpoint presented in Hong Kong literature as well as the topics related to how it describes and discusses.   In 1975, Xi Xi consciously established the subjectivity of “my city” from the local point of view in her novel “My City”. Afterwards, more and more writers in Hong Kong probed several necessary questions when establishing “subjectivity” from different angles, like space, time and body. The questions included “who am (are) I (we)?” “where should I (we) go?” “where am (are) I (we) from?” to provide researchers the path of interpreting history, identification, and imagination that were involved in the literature. Along with the changing of time, the local meaning that was implied in “My City” has been transformed and renovated with the writing from writers in Hong Kong. In the era of multiple timelines that Hong Kong faces, the thinking styles of nostalgia and anti-nostalgia and the writing of returning to the history are the possible strategies for Hong Kong writers seeking “self-placement” and “the making of Hong Kong” in the torrent of time. To fight against the oppression from the colonist or the cooptation from the nationalism, Hong Kong writers choose their own ways to re-interpret the political meaning of “reunification” or indicate with images of ghosts or damaged body for the “abnormal” state that the society is currently in as well as carry out the collision towards grand narrative. Other than literature creation, scholars in Hong Kong also explain the definition and characteristics of Hong Kong literature through discourse. Moreover, they are moving towards the goal of “creating history” through digging out and compiling materials of literature.   Therefore, writers and scholars in Hong Kong call for the shared local thinking in different backgrounds of times and space. Through writing about the city “Hong Kong”, their writing positions and strategies are presented and their own Hong Kong story is told. By breaking away from the usual discourse framework of the “narrow” and the “outside,” this study explores upon the “subjectivity” of Hong Kong literature.


