  • 學位論文


The Study on Developing School-decided Curriculum in a Special Remote School─A Case of Xiaodao Junior High Schoo

指導教授 : 顏國樑


本研究以一所特殊偏遠地區為研究對象,探究其校訂課程發展背景與運作情形、課程發展遭遇困境與因應作為,及對教師專業成長的影響。 本研究採個案研究法,透過訪談小島國中校長與教師,結合文件與省思札記進行資料蒐集與分析,依據研究發現,茲將研究結果摘要如下: 一、課程發展背景脈絡:課程始於親師生與學區特性困境因應。 二、規劃理念源於集體思考,共同樹立學生圖象,側重當地資源為教材。 三、校訂課程運作整合九年一貫課程基礎,其中三節維持跨年級「多元選修」,另開設「班級輔導」及跨領域環境議題的「國際教育」。 四、善用資源活化教學,搭配計畫,充實經費支持課程發展。 五、開設校訂課程教師需具備多種能力,包含創造力、廣泛閱讀等。 六、校訂課程發展中遭遇的困境與當前因應之道:   (一)尚有疑慮的課程方向,以內外部課程評鑑滾動修正   (二)難以承接的課程效益,以穩定師資鞏固教學品質   (三)難度高的跨領域課程,以教師社群與行政計畫挹注資源   (四)學生低落的學習動機,以教師專業發展持續努力提升 七、仍待解決的疑問需要時間磨合與確認,如學生學習成效難有標準化評量、校訂課程與基本學力提升之關聯性短時間難釐清。 八、校訂課程促進教師專業成長,除改變教學型態,更帶給教師備課新視野,師生正向回饋循環,帶動情感連結與部定課程的學習。 本研究依據研究結論,提出相關建議,供教育行政機關、小島國中、類似規模之學校及後續研究之參考。


The main purposes of this study were to explore the developing school-decided curriculum in a special remote school, including the background and operation of the school-decided curriculum, the difficulties encountered and the corresponding actions, and the impact on the professional growth of teachers. The research data was collected through documentary analysis, interview, and the notes of reflection. After discussion and analysis, the conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The curriculum begins with the plight of teachers, students and the school district's characteristics. 2. The curriculum rationale originated from co-creational perspective, and focusing on local resources as teaching materials. 3. The operation of the school-decided curriculum integrates the foundation of grade 1-9 curriculum. 4. Xiaodao junior high school makes good use of resources to activate teaching, enrich funds to support curriculum development. 5. Teachers who offer school-decided courses need to have a variety of abilities, including creativity and extensive reading. 6. School-decided curriculum promotes professionalization of teachers, including changing the teaching style, a new vision of lesson study, and better social relationship between teachers and students. Finally, the suggestions for the developing school-decided curriculum were submitted to education administration authorities, Xiaodao junior high school, other schools and the future researchers.


天下雜誌(2018)。未來Family 教育特刊:解讀12年國教新課綱。臺灣: 遠見天下。
