  • 學位論文


The Teaching Beliefs and the Process of Implementing Inclusive Education for the Preschool Teachers in Kinmen County

指導教授 : 王為國


本研究旨在瞭解金門地區幼兒園普通班教師實施融合教育的教學信念、以及實施融合教育於課程與教學、班級經營、親師互動、與專業團隊合作方面的情形與歷程、教師的教學省思和挑戰。研究者以質性研究的方法,透過訪談四位幼兒園普通班教師,蒐集、統整資料並加以分析與探討。研究結果與發現如下: 一、 幼兒園普通班教師實施融合教育的教學信念 (一) 融合教育教師的教學信念形成因素包含多元面向。教師的成長背景、實習經驗、工作經驗、個人特質等因素的交織形成教師的教學信念與價值。 (二) 融合教育教師的教學信念以教師與學生的角度分析,包含教師對自身角色的定位與詮釋、欲傳遞給學生的價值與理念。 二、 幼兒園普通班教師實施融合教育的情形與歷程 (一) 幼兒園普通班教師肯定融合教育的價值,認為對普特生、對教師皆具正面意義,同時認為適性安置的重要性。 (二) 幼兒園普通班教師在課程設計與調整的雙管齊下,使經營的融合班級能達到更好的融合。 (三) 教師透過物理環境安排及心理環境的氣氛營造,據此通盤考量以利融合班級順利運作。 (四) 教師實施融合教育納入普通生及特殊生的家長參與,良好的溝通與關係形成正向互動和循環。融合教育中家長兩極的教養態度造成學生學習的不同結果。 (五) 融合教育的實施加入與特教教師、與治療師的跨專業合作使得能夠發揮更大的效益,而與專業團隊的合作模式有待完善。 三、 幼兒園普通班教師實施融合教育的省思與挑戰 (一) 師生比問題使得普通班教師面臨滿班的情境下、班級中又有特殊生,需兼顧一般生與特殊生而萌生心有餘力不足之感。 (二) 離島進修的資源有限及赴台進修交通的不便使得教師增能受到阻礙。 (三) 課程與教學上考驗教師發揮專業知能將普特統整以助學生融入課程、增加互動。 (四) 部分家長消極被動的教養態度與難溝通使得教師在親師互動上感到挫敗。 (五) 與專業團隊合作,專業間各行其是、合作模式未有共識以至效益有待提升。


This research is mainly to explore the teaching beliefs and experiences of preschool teachers implementing inclusive education in Kinmen County. Including Curriculum and Teaching, Class management, Parent-teacher interaction, and Disciplinary team Cooperation. This research also explored the integrated teachers’ teaching reflections and the challenges they faced. The qualitative data is collected by interviewing with four teachers. The findings are as below: 1. The teaching beliefs of preschool teachers implementing inclusive education. (1) Multiple aspects are involved in the teaching beliefs of preschool teachers, such as teachers’ background of growth, working experiences, and personalities they owned. (2) Analyzed from the perspective of teachers, the teaching belief includes teachers' positioning and interpretation of their roles. Analyzed from the perspective of students, the teaching belief includes the value and philosophy are transferred. 2. The process of preschool teachers implementing inclusive education. (1) Most of the preschool teachers affirm the value of inclusive education. Having a positive meaning for teachers, normal students, and students with special needs. They also mentioned the importance of adaptive placement. (2) Curriculum design and adjustment will let all the members participate in the class. (3) Physically environment and mentally environments’ arrangement contribute to integrated classes. (4) Regarding parents of normal students and students with special needs as a member of integrated education build a positive relationship between parents and teachers. Extreme parenting attitudes make different results. (5) Cooperating with special education teachers and disciplinary team will help achieve the goal of inclusive education, but the cooperation model should be improved. 3. The integrated teachers’ teaching reflections and the challenges they faced. (1) The problem of teacher-student ratio makes teachers feel exhausted manage the integrated classes. (2) Teacher empowerment will be blocked because of the limited resources and inconvenient traffic in Kinmen County. (3) Teachers have great trials on curriculum designing and teaching for normal students and students with special needs. (4) Teachers feel frustrated in communicating with parents who have negative and passive parenting attitude. (5) The model of cooperation between teachers and disciplinary team should be on the same page, and it will maximize the benefits in inclusive education.


一、 中文文獻
