  • 學位論文


Leading Change Toward Thematic Teaching: A Preschool Director's Action Research

指導教授 : 丁雪茵


為了提升本園的教學品質,我帶領園內老師進行主題教學變革,目的為將本園之教學模式從單元教學轉變為主題教學。我採用行動研究方式,探討本園進行主題教學變革歷程中所遭遇的挑戰與克服挑戰之因應策略,以及我在主題教學變革歷程中之轉變與成長。 面對變革歷程中的挑戰,我採取的因應策略包括藉助專家輔導、教學研討會議、進班觀察、讀書會、個別化專業成長、教學示範與同儕觀摩。蒐集的資料包括輔導記錄、會議記錄、進班觀察記錄、讀書心得摘要、教學省思與教案設計等文件檔案。蒐集資料的方式有錄影、錄音與拍照,並將影音資料部份逐字轉譯。 本研究行動歷程前後歷時三個學期,包括102學年度上下學期的初始階段,與103學年上學期的實踐階段。初始階段主要目的為嘗試進行主題教學,未正式蒐集資料。實踐階段開始正式蒐集資料,主要目的為在實踐中學習主題教學相關知能,提升主題教學內涵,而為了便於分析資料,我將實踐階段分成一、二、三期。 本研究結果發現,在初始階段運用專家輔導、教學示範策略,可以有效帶領老師邁出主題教學之第一步;其後專家輔導貫穿整個研究期程,逐步協助我提升教學領導能力與主題教學專業知能;教學研討會議與讀書會等團隊學習策略,則讓我得以帶領老師從做中學,協助老師理解理論,達到理論與實務結合之目的。 我在教學變革行動歷程中所實踐的教學領導策略以及所轉變的溝通交流方式,有助於我持續帶領老師們邁向主題教學模式。最後根據我的研究發現,對欲進行教學變革之園長提出建議。


The current action research explored how a preschool director led teachers from traditional unit teaching toward thematic teaching for improving instructional quality. The purposes of this study investigated the challenges I encountered, the solution strategies I applied, and the leadership and professional development I gained during this transformation process. The solution strategies used in this study included a preschool mentoring program, teaching seminars, classroom observations, a study circle, individual professional development, teaching demonstrations and peer observations. The main methods I used to collect data were video recording, audio recording and photographing followed by transcribing part of the video and audio files. The collected data included the records of mentoring meetings, teaching seminars, classroom observations, the reflection of reading and teaching, and the researcher’s reflective journals. This action research lasted for three semesters, including the initial stage in the 102 academic year and the three practical stages in the first semester of the 103 academic year. The main purpose of the initial stage was to try to implement thematic teaching in our preschool without formally collecting data. The three practical stages which were the main sources of the data focused on how to learn knowledge of thematic teaching and promote the thematic curriculum development. The leading change was also discussed as well. The results of this study found that a preschool mentoring program and teaching demonstration were the most crucial strategies for the transition from traditional teaching to thematic teaching in the initial stage. The mentor professor guided me to enhance my teaching leadership ability and professional knowledge/competence of thematic teaching throughout the entire research process. The team learning strategies, including teaching seminars and a study circle, could lead the teachers to learn by doing and to understand the theories of thematic teaching for the purpose of combining theories with practice. The strategies for improving instructional leadership I learned during this transformation process can help me to continue leading teachers toward thematic teaching. Based on my research findings, some suggestions were provided for the directors who attempt to change teaching practices.


