  • 學位論文


A Systematic Reuse-distance-based Approach for Convolution Neural Network Dataflow Optimization

指導教授 : 蔡仁松




In this paper, we propose an efficient CNN dataflow optimization approach leveraging the reuse-distance method to quantify the data locality of different dataflows. A unique contribution of our quantitative approach is that we can systematically design the optimal dataflow of convolution computation for different memory architectures in the early system design phase. Additionally, our method can apply to general-purpose processors or customized processors. We verify our approach positively by comparing the best-published results of some specific processors. Our approach takes less than one second to find the optimal dataflow and runs 3 to 4 orders faster than previous works. To prove the versatility of our approach, the experimental results also show that our approach can produce the optimal dataflow of convolution computation on other memory architecture simulated by DineroIV.


Convolution Neural Network Dataflow Optimization Reuse-distance


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