  • 學位論文

文明大國的社會治理: 中國社會信用體系的日常實踐

Governance of the Civilized Country: Daily Practice of the Chinese Social Credit System

指導教授 : 陳志柔


本文從近年中國社會信用體系在各地實施的現象試圖提問:社會信用體系透過什麼樣的統治邏輯和治理機制來進行統治?研究方法上,本文以大量來自官方、傳媒和網路資料來源進行文獻回顧,以時間序列的形式整理出社會信用體系從無到有的發展過程,同時也比較各地發展社會信用體系的案例。 第二章回顧中國在處理集體抗爭、網路空間、戶籍制度和道德入法的經驗,本文提出社會信用體系內在的三種統治邏輯:鎮壓、分而治之和教化。第三章進一步回顧社會信用體系的發展背景、信用體系的形成,以及信用體系與既有管治技術的結合,可以發現中國的社會治理政策思路,以及此時期信息化技術的發展,為社會信用體系提供良好的發展條件。社會信用體系本身的構想,也隨著統治的需要,從管治市場秩序的政策,轉變為國家意圖規範個人行為的工具,地方政府的實驗和推廣也扮演了推波助瀾的作用。其中,實名制和網格化管理對於個人行為的紀錄與信用資訊的扣連至關重要。第四章透過觀察杭州防治新冠肺炎所嚴格落實的「小區封閉式管理」和「健康碼」,可以看到在社會信用體系的運作之下,「排除」的治理效果既阻絕潛在的染病風險對象,也無端影響了更多的民眾。最後,在文明的大旗之下,人們在享受便利之餘,可能也將失去更多。


Based on the implement of the Chinese Social Credit System (SCS), this essay wanted to know: what kind of the logic and mechanism did the SCS apply for the governance? The essay reviewed through documents, media news or articles, arrayed the process of the development of the SCS, and compared the example in various regions. Chapter 2 reviewed the experience of Chinese government dealing collective actions, cyber spaces, Hukou system(戶口) and ruling by moral. There were three ruling logic in the SCS: suppress, divide and rule, and civilize. Chapter 3 reviewed the background of Chinese society, the becoming of the SCS, and the combination with the existing technique of ruling. We could find out that the development of the SCS actually based on the ideal of the “Social Governance” and the development of information communication technology (ICTs). The ruling purpose of the SCS could change arbitrarily in order to meet the needs of the Chinese government. Experiment and promotion by local governments also played an important role in inplement the SCS. The keys to connect personal behavior and credit records are the Real-Named System (實名制) and the Grid Management (網格化管理). Chapter 4 gave an example of the SCS application in Hangzhou for preventing the breakout of the COVID-19 by community lockdown management (小區封閉式管理) and the Health Code (健康碼). It worked by identify and exclude the people who may be have potential risk, and also affected more people than expected. Finally, under the flag of the “Civilized”, the Chinese people may be lost more than they can have.


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