  • 學位論文

卡社布農語的元音型態: 中元音與雙元音

Vowel Patterns in Takibakha Bunun: Mid Vowels and Diphthongs

指導教授 : 黃慧娟


本論文探討卡社布農語中元音與雙元音的元音型態。早期研究將布農語的中元音單純視為雙元音的音位變體,而後期研究直接將中元音當做獨立音位,過度強調語音卻忽略了不同詞彙類別中的元音型態。為了更瞭解中元音與雙元音之間的關係,筆者列出以下三種情形進行討論:加綴形式、重疊詞及借詞。 首先,筆者指出中元音與雙元音的交替情形可視為一種「位置中立化」(positional neutralization),雙元音在非詞尾位置轉為中元音。此現象可從加綴形式中的元音型態及音節分布的相關語料清楚理解。據此,筆者以 Beckman (1997)的「位置信實性」(positional faithfulness)理論提出分析。 而重疊詞中的元音型態,筆者針對卡社布農語中的兩種重疊形式進行討論:完全重疊(total reduplication)與詞彙化重疊(lexicalized reduplication)。由於 BR-identity的介入,雙元音可保留於非詞尾位置。而詞彙化重疊的中元音則稍顯複雜,根據重音型態及其與「位置信實性」分析的相容性,筆者認為,從共時觀點來看,中元音確實可視為音位。而中元音與雙元音之間的連繫應從歷時發展討論。 至於借詞的部分,筆者採用Itô & Mester (1995) 的「核心-邊緣」理論模型(Core-Periphery model),分析「同化」與「未同化」兩大類借詞的元音型態。我們更可以結合前述的「位置信實性」,觀察其與「核心-邊緣」模型中的制約互動。 最後,筆者提出一些未來研究的議題:中元音與高元音低化、「位置信實性」中「顯著性位置」(prominent position)的性質、方言變異下的社會因素、跨語言比較。


This thesis investigates patterns of mid vowels and diphthongs in Takibakha Bunun. Earlier studies regarded mid vowels as a simple variation of diphthongs, while later studies treated mid vowels in Takibakha Bunun as independent phonemes, putting too much emphasis on the phonetic distinction and ignoring patterns in different lexical categories. In order to have a clearer understanding of the relationship between mid vowels and diphthongs, in this thesis I investigate vowel patterns in three cases: suffixation, reduplication, and loanwords. I will first demonstrate that the alternation of mid vowels and diphthongs can be regarded as positional neutralization, with diphthongs becoming mid vowels in non-final positions. This phenomenon can be best understood in consideration of the data from vowel patterns in suffixation and syllable type distribution. Based on this generalization, I provide an analysis using the positional faithfulness schema (Beckman 1997). Concerning vowel patterns in reduplication, two types of reduplication in Takibakha Bunun are examined: total reduplication and lexicalized reduplication. With BR-identity playing a role in reduplicated words, diphthongs can be retained in non-final positions. The case of mid vowels in lexicalized reduplication is somewhat more complicated, however. Based on the evidence of stress patterns and compatibility with a positional faithfulness analysis, I argue that, from a synchronic standpoint, mid vowels can be taken as independent phonemes. That being said, the relationship between mid vowels and diphthongs should be examined from a diachronic perspective. Concerning vowel patterns in loanwords, I use Core-Periphery model (Itô and Mester 1995) to account for patterns in assimilated and unassimilated loanwords. As positional faithfulness schema is well-built, we can have a further look into its interaction with other constraints in Core-Periphery model. Finally, I suggest some issues worthy of further research: the relationship between mid vowels and high vowel lowering; the nature of prominent position in a positional faithfulness framework; social factors in dialectal variation; and cross-linguistic comparison.


Takibakha Bunun vowel patterns mid vowel diphthong


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