  • 學位論文


The study of Taiwan's classical Poetry

指導教授 : 王惠珍


《臺灣詩薈》為臺灣文史學家連雅棠於臺北所創辦的一份漢文詩文月刊,創刊於大正十三年(1924)二月,結束於大正十四年(1925)年十月,共出刊二十二期。在臺灣新舊文學爭論伊始,《臺灣詩薈》的出現,顯示了傳統文學方面的心聲,連雅棠即明確揭櫫刊物創辦的目的是:一以振興現代文學,一以保存舊有遺書。顯然的,面對新文學的崛起,除承傳古典詩文一脈相續之外,也要能有時代的精神融入其中,方能使傳統文學維持於不墜。可惜,刊物發行短短一年九個月就宣告停刊,新舊文學之爭,依然繼續。 本論文以《臺灣詩薈》文本為主體,針對「臺灣詩薈與作品類型」、「跨界的漢詩書寫」、「詩社活動與詩用學」、「餘墨、啜茗錄與花叢迴顧錄」等項做探討。「臺灣詩薈與作品類型」擬就詩刊內容逐一分析歸納,並說明其性質與目的;「跨界的漢詩書寫」則以女性詩人、佛教詩人、大陸內地詩人、臺灣本土詩人、日籍在臺詩人等為觀察,了解不同身分詩人的漢詩書寫背景及質性;「詩社活動與詩用學」分別就當時臺灣詩社活動情形既用詩傳播儒家溫柔敦厚詩教為探討,以見其詩社在臺灣蓬勃發展的影響;「餘墨、啜茗錄與花叢迴顧錄」皆為連雅棠為刊物所寫的隨筆式欄目,紀錄了連雅棠傳統詩學觀點,以及文化、社會等現象的觀察,透過這些文字,試圖能更深一層了解連雅棠生活、思想的真實面。


Taiwan Shih Huei was a Chinese poetry and literary monthly magazine founded in Taipei by Taiwanese writer and historian Lian Ya-tang. The first issue was published in February, 1924(the year 13 of the Taisho period during the Japanese colonial period in Taiwan) and the last issue in October, 1925(Taisho 14). Altogether 22 issues were published. At the beginning of “the debate between modern and historical literature” in Taiwan, the publication of Taiwan Shih Huei spoke from the side of traditional literature. Lian Ya-tang stated clearly that the primary purposes of this magazine were to revitalize modern literature and to preserve the old literary tradition. Confronted with the rise of the new literature, the traditional literature could only survive by inheriting the essence of classic poetry and literature and also embracing the spirit of the new era and integrating it into itself. Unfortunately, the magazine was shut down after only one year and nine months. However, the confrontation between modern and historical literature in Taiwan continued. This thesis explores such topics as “categories in Taiwan Shih Huei”, “multiple identities and the writing of Chinese poetry”, “poetry societies and the art of poetry”, and “Yu-mo, Chuai-ming-lu and Hua-tsung-huei-ku-lu” drawing on the text of Taiwan Shih Huei. The chapter on “categories in Taiwan Shih Huei” analyzes and generalizes the context of the magazine and explains its attributes and purposes. The chapter on “multiple identities and the writing of Chinese poetry” makes observations about female poets, Buddhist poets, mainland China poets, Taiwanese poets and Japanese poets in Taiwan, and tries to understand the background and attributes of poets with diverse identities. The chapter on “poetry societies and the art of poetry” explores the effects of the flourishing of poetry societies. It describes the activities of poetry societies in Taiwan and their role in spreading of the Confucian ideology of cultivating tenderness and honesty by reading and writing traditional Chinese poetry. “Yu-mo, Chuai-ming-lu and Hua-tsung-huei-ku-lu” are all casual essays written for this magazine by Lian Ya-tang. They reveal Lian’s perspectives on the art of traditional poetry and his observations on cultural and social phenomena. The author of this thesis tries to learn more about the true features of Lian’s life and thoughts through his writings.


(一) 連雅棠著作

