  • 學位論文


Integrating TRIZ and Manufacturing System Diagnosis for Product-Process-Manufacturing System Redesign

指導教授 : 許棟樑


不良的產品設計,往往是導致產品生產效率低落、製造成本提高以及產品可靠度下降的主要原因,然而過去針對現有產品之再設計流程中,往往著重於產品之特性改善,未將實際生產流程中發生之不利現象納入考量,使生產流程之改善幅度侷限於現有產品之設計限制。此外產品之設計變更(Design Change),往往衍生製程與製造系統再設計的需要。因此如何有系統地診斷與彙整生產-製程-產品存在之缺點,進而推動產品-製程-製造系統整合性的再設計(Redesign),以達到最佳的配套式總體再設計,是當今產業提昇競爭力的重要機會。 本研究整合產業價值鏈各階段之診斷與設計工具以及萃智系統化創新手法(TRIZ),建立一系統化產品-流程-製造系統再設計方法,能引導企業有系統地進行產品、製程及其生產系統之分析診斷、整體系統關鍵不利現象之辨識、產品與流程之創新與再設計、設計概念具體化、生產線平衡以及設施規劃。 本研究以國內A公司生產案例為對象,針對其現況提出產品、流程以及生產系統之具體再設計方案,並以系統模擬軟體進行驗證,其結果顯示,本研究之再設計方法能改善多項系統不利點。在提升月產能至3倍之規畫目標下,本研究提出之再設計方案所需人數僅為原產品與製程設計擴充產能方案之83.6%,且各項生產績效指標均顯著較佳;在維持現況產能之前提下,本研究提出之再設計方案能分別減少前段與後段製程30%與16.7%之人力需求、減少平均週期時間12.6%與4.1%、減少平均在製品數18.7%與19%、減少產距時間19.6%與13.1%。


Poor product design often be the main reason for low production efficiency, high manufacturing cost and low product reliability. However in the study of the past, people usually don't take the weaknesses of the manufacturing process into the consideration of product design. Besides, the change of the relevant processes caused by the design change of the product also needs further re-design consideration. Therefore, it would be a noteworthy issue for the enterprises about how to eliminate the weaknesses of the manufacturing processes by product re-design, and how to rearrange the corresponding processes and manufacturing system systematically. This research integrates variety of diagnosis and design tools from deferent stage of the industry value chain and the technique of systematic innovation (TRIZ). Furthermore, this study established a systematic product - process - manufacturing system re-design method that could guide enterprises to conduct the following activities systematically: (1) Diagnose Products, processes and manufacturing systems;(2)Identify the key disadvantages in the entire system;(3)Product and process innovation and re-design;(4)Design concepts concretization;(5)Line balancing and Facility planning. A domestic company has been considered as a research object in this study, and a recommended improvement measure for redesigning and improving the existing products, processes and manufacturing system has been proposed. In addition to resolve the disadvantages of the system, according to the results provided by the simulation software, the number of operators needs to add to the firm which we recommended is only 40% of the number that the original system needed under the same target capacity. Besides, the performances of the recommended measure were significantly better than the original system.


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