  • 學位論文


Startup Test Analysis of Feedwater System for Lungmen ABWR with TRACE/PARCS

指導教授 : 施純寬 王仲容


本論文主要目的是利用龍門電廠TRACE/PARCS模式,分析龍門電廠飼水系統起動測試之喪失飼水加熱器與一台汽機推動飼水泵跳脫事故,並確認美國奇異公司所提供的平行計算數據之正確性。龍門電廠TRACE/PARCS模式初始狀態為龍門電廠第01周期、100%額定功率和100%額定流率。   喪失飼水加熱器事故測試目的為,觀察安全系統反應是否合理且符合執照規範,將電廠各項重要參數回復到穩態。若飼水溫度變化達到37°C時,飼水控制系統會送出兩個訊號,一個訊號啟動爐內泵回退至最低轉速,另一個訊號觸發選擇性插棒。爐內泵回退將爐心流量降低,使得空泡變多,增加負的空泡反應度;選擇性插棒會使爐心溫度降低,因而增加了都卜勒反應度。兩種機制皆能減少反應度,降低反應爐功率,將反應爐帶到穩定且安全的狀態。一台汽機推動飼水泵跳脫事故測試目的為,驗證運轉中的電廠跳脫一台飼水泵後的反應及持續運轉的能力,並確認三元飼水控制系統是否能維持水位在安全可接受的範圍內。汽機推動飼水泵跳脫後,馬達推動飼水泵會提供20%額定飼水流量;爐內泵回退降低爐心功率後,蒸汽流量也隨之下降,使得送回反應爐的飼水流量能符合一台汽機推動飼水泵及一台馬達推動飼水泵所能提供的流量,以防止水位降低至L3,造成反應爐急停。   兩種案例結果顯示,龍門電廠TRACE/PARCS模式能順利執行飼水系統暫態,並有能力驗證廠家所提供的起動測試報告。同時,SNAP動畫能有效地展示3D爐心功率、燃料溫度和空泡分率等重要爐心參數。期待未來龍門電廠商業運轉後,能更精進龍門電廠TRACE/PARCS模式。


The objectives of this thesis are to analyze the startup tests of loss of feedwater heater and feedwater pump trip transients by using Lungmen TRACE/PARCS models, and to perform the counterpart calculations against the results from the GE analyses for Lungmen startup test. The initial conditions of Lungmen TRACE/PARCS models are BOC, 100% power and 100% flow.   The purpose of loss of feedwater heater startup test is to demonstrate acceptable plant response and associated assumptions used for this transient. When feedwater temperature drops approximately 37C, the feedwater control system triggers RIP runback and SCRRI immediately. RIP runback can reduce core inlet flow, which leads to the void in core increase and void reactivity decrease. SCRRI reduces the core temperature which increases the Doppler reactivity. Two mechanisms, RIP runback and SCRRI, reduce the power without reactor scram successfully. The purpose of feedwater pump trip test are to show the capability of the feedwater pump to support continuing operation following the trip of one operating feedwater pump plus the MDRFP initiated automatically and to ensure the feedwater control system can maintain the water level between L3 and L8. Upon detection of the feedwater pump trip, a MDRFP actuates and the RIPs are runback. RIP runback is to reduce the reactor power and mitigate the steam consumption. Then TDRFP and MDRFP can provide enough feedwater to maintain the water level above L3 without reactor scram.   In conclusion, Lungmen TRACE/PARCS model can simulate the startup tests of feedwater system successfully and have ability to perform the counterpart calculations against the results from the GE analyses. Besides, the SNAP animation model can show three dimensional visualized results of different core parameters. After the commercial operation of Lungmen power plant, Lungmen TRACE/PARCS model would be verified.


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