  • 學位論文


Characteristic Simulation Analysis of Bifacial Silicon Nitride Passivated Screen-Printed Silicon Solar Cells

指導教授 : 甘炯耀


由於傳統型背全鋁網印太陽能電池已經到達其效率的瓶頸(約19 %),並且因為這種結構會產生因應變不均而使晶圓破裂或彎曲的缺點,使得其無法再降低矽晶圓的厚度和使用更大尺寸的晶圓來降低成本。所以我們希望能研究和其製程類似的雙面網印H型電極、雙面鈍化太陽能電池來討論是否有能取代傳統型太陽能電池的潛力。雙面照光型太陽能電池除了沒有上述結構上的缺點外,還能實現雙面進光的可能性,這也提高了實際應用層面上更多的可行性(如聚光型模組)。由於可能影響太陽能電池元件表現的因素有許多,如射極摻雜分佈、背電場摻雜分佈、表面復合和塊材內部復合等,所以我們希望先藉由一系列完整的模擬分析找出最佳的的製程參數,以供未來製程上的參考。本研究使用Sentaurus TCAD 作為模擬軟體,模擬結構是六吋雙面H型電極、雙面鈍化太陽能電池,在計算出的最佳金屬覆蓋率5.59 %下,可得到最高正面照光效率20.1 %、背面照光效率19.5 %。並且經過選擇性背電場摻雜的製程最佳化後,能將正面照光效率提升到20.3 %、背面照光效率19.9 %。


The conventional solar cells have met their efficiency barrier at present and faced the mechanical problems when we use screen-printed process of back-side aluminum metallization. As the consequence, when we want to decrease cell thickness or use large-scale wafer for further reduction of fabrication cost of solar cells, this problem will be enlarged. Thus, we choose to use bifacial silicon nitride passivated screen-printed solar cells as the substitute structure which share almost the same fabrication process as the conventional one. Bifacial solar cells not only have none of the disadvantages mentioned above but can be applied to a variety of concentrated modules, so they show the promising potential to be the major products in the future. Due to many processing parameters in solar cell fabrication, we want to derive a complete analysis by simulation first. We use Sentaurus TCAD to simulate the performance of the cells and obtain the front limiting efficiency of 20.1% and back efficiency of 19.5% under the optimized metal coverage of 5.59%. In addition, the implementation of selective BSF can further improve front efficiency to 20.3% and back efficiency to 19.9%




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