  • 學位論文


Modal Analysis for Multi-band, High-power, Terahertz Windows

指導教授 : 張存續


在本論文中,對窗片(windows)依照所需求的頻帶進行模擬跟分析計算。並且在分析計算的過程中,加入模式分析(Modal analysis)來處理因為半徑不連續而被激發出來的其他模式。一開始先以Maxwell’s equation先求出圓形波導管的一組正交的本徵解,再計算於半徑不連續的地方,利用模式的正交特性求出其他被激發的模式的振幅。再經由線性代數的概念延伸到多個不連續半徑的狀況,好用來對windows進行計算。並且與在不考慮模式效應下,以阻抗匹配的概念所計算的結果進行比較,以及探討在不同的狀況下,反射相對應於頻率的改變。在結果上,由於我們是採取週期性的結構,所以我們隨著頻率是有週期性的變化,產生在高頻段的部分仍有通帶的存在。


窗口 模式分析


In this paper, we get the windows by simulation with calculation. We used the Maxwell’s equation to get the eigenmodes. And modal analysis is applied to calculate the amplitudes of those excited waveguide modes in radius discontinuity problem. We will get the amplitude of other modes by orthogonalities of waveguide eigenmodes. We extend the result to multi-discontinuity case by use linear algebra technique. We used to analyze windows and periodic structure. And compare the results of the calculation to the concept of impedance matching of mode effect are not considered, and investigates the result of different situations. On the results, we take periodic structure, so we are cyclical changes with frequency. We can get some pass bands in high frequency.




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