  • 學位論文


The Interaction between News Aggregator and Newspaper Industry – Focus on Fair Use Doctrine of Copyright Law

指導教授 : 彭心儀


大約自千禧年開始,世界各地之報社開始發出經營警訊:發行量下滑、讀者流失、廣告收益減少等現象普遍發生。除了紙價上漲、經濟不景氣等外在環境條件使然,更因網際網路的崛起,改變民眾閱讀習慣而對紙本報業產生排擠效應,我國報業在此波新興媒體的強烈攻勢下也無能倖免。在傳統報社仍然必須付出高昂成本從事新聞產製,而新聞彙集網站則可透過彙整與統合現成的新聞來提高網站點閱率的狀況下,兩者相互競爭的便是廣告營收。更另報社憂心的是,對於這些本身不從事新聞產製、卻透過搜尋技術或新聞轉載來長自己廣告收益的新聞匯集網站,從著作權法保護的角度來看,除非新聞報導的故事撰寫與組織足以展現作者的原創性,否則客觀事實並非著作權法保護的對象;縱使新聞匯集網站未經授權地取用其所提供的新聞,其利用著作若係以新聞報導為目的,仍大有機會主張合理使用,對新聞報導撰寫人的保護將更為不利。 面對異業競爭的威脅,現有的法制架構是否有必要為拯救報業而有所調整,如果選擇維持現況,則報社該如何就其耗費成本產製的新聞主張權利;在此同時,網路新聞業者又應如何立足於合理使用的安全範圍內;另外從內部經營的角度而言,如果新聞報導難以從著作權法獲得有利的保護,報業是否有其他可行的獲益模式,甚至與新聞匯集網站設計出雙贏的內容授權與廣告收益分享機制,都是本文試圖探討的議題。


There’s a world-wide phenomenon showing a decline of sale in traditional newspaper industry. As online news aggregators thrive, newspaper publishers are going through a hard time when readers are now accessing free news through internet. The loss of readers means the loss of advertising revenue. While gathering news, writing and editing articles, printing and distributing newspapers are costly, the loss of readers strikes newspaper publishers since newspaper industry relies heavily on advertising revenue. To the contrary, news aggregators have a relatively low entry barrier in news disseminating. By gathering information from all kinds of sources and putting them on one platform, news aggregators indeed provide an efficient way to access news and consequently attract even more readers and advertisers. Newspaper publishers have sought legal protection, asserting that online news websites like news aggregators are copying and free-riding their hard-earned contents. Nevertheless, news reporting often contains objective facts, which are not protected under copyright law unless the stories are original enough to show human expression. Even if the asserted news is copyrightable subject matter, aggregators are likely to apply fair use doctrine as a defense to an action for copyright infringement. In the face of the conflicts between newspaper publishers and news aggregators, this article intend to draw a fine line in between by categorizing the different models of news aggregators and analyzing cases that indicate how courts interpret the application of fair use doctrine of copyright law in digital age. This article will further look into the possibility of potential licensing and revenue sharing models between newspaper publishers and news aggregators by pointing out the experience from a few newspaper publishers.


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