  • 學位論文

旅遊業全球資訊分送系統廠商 創新服務機會評估

The evaluation of innovative services for global distribution system in tourism industry

指導教授 : 林博文




After 20 years of operation, Global Distribution System providers has accumulated enormous passenger-booking information, which assist the tourism industry to find out the true needs of travelers, and also become the basis for the development of innovative services. In the future, in order to provide travelers with better travel experience, it is very important for tourism service providers to cooperate with one another, at this moment, Global Distribution System providers should think about how to build long-term relationships with travelers and find more opportunities to cooperate with other industries, including the direct or indirect competitors.


[1] World Travel & Tourism Council, Research report-The
[3]World Travel & Tourism Council, Research report -Business
[6] David C. Mowery and Nathan Rosenberg, Path of Innovation:
Technological Change in 20th-Century-America,
[12] World Travel & Tourism Council, Research report- The
