  • 學位論文


Implementing a Game-Based Learning System with a Competitive Mechanism to Enhance Students’ Learning Motivation

指導教授 : 楊叔卿


運用資訊科技來輔助學習已是重要的趨勢。而數位遊戲式學習或數位悅趣式學習(Digital Game-based Learning)是近年來熱門的研究領域之一,已普遍使用在各個年齡層之學習。現今熱門的線上遊戲,往往對使用者有極大的吸引力,可以激發使用者呈現非常高的投入程度,而數位遊戲式學習或數位悅趣式學習雖已行之有年,但是目前仍較缺乏可以吸引學習者注意力且讓學習者沉浸於學習過程中的元素。因此,本研究探討現今線上遊戲如此吸引使用者的特性後,發現現今熱門的線上遊戲大多具備競爭機制於遊戲中;此外,研究者觀察到,傳統的競爭活動設計多為指定式分組的方式,將學生分為數個組別進行合作或競爭,較缺乏一個更貼近於學生的競爭情境。因此,本研究利用現今線上遊戲所具備之高度動機的競爭機制,配合台灣北部T大學與C大學間的傳統梅竹賽的實際競爭情境,建置一數位遊戲學習系統,稱為「梅竹Game Online」。「梅竹Game Online」之教學內容旨在介紹梅竹賽的歷史與文化背景以及T大學與C大學兩校之特色,期望透過本系統,能夠更加的提升兩校學生對於學校的了解程度與認同感,並且期望透過競爭機制與梅竹賽實際競爭情境的相輔相成下,能夠提高學生的學習動機以及活動參與、投入程度。 為了解「梅竹Game Online」實際之成效,本研究以T大學與C大學共88為大一新生為研究對象,於2012年11月至2012年12月間,實際使用「梅竹Game Online」數位遊戲學習系統兩週的時間進行「線上梅竹賽」,並後續透過量化與質化的資料分析其對學生學習成效以及競爭機制與實際競爭情境對學習動機之影響。研究成果歸納為以下幾點:(1)本系統能夠提高學生的學習成效,尤以低認知的學生最為顯著;(2)競爭機制與後測分數呈現顯著正相關,高排行榜使用度組的進步程度較大(3)本研究所設計之競爭機制與實際競爭情境能夠增加學生的參與、投入程度,並激發學生的學習動機。 總結以上,本研究認為競爭機制與實際競爭情境應用在遊戲活動設計中,能夠對學生學習動機與參與、投入程度產生正面的影響,但學生會因為競爭機制而產生較特殊的學習現象,本研究將針對改善這些學習現象提出未來的研究建議。


Digital game-based learning is one of popular research fields and also a learning method commonly used in all ages. Today, the popular online games are often highly attractive to users and can stimulate high engagements. Although the digital game-based learning or educational games have already been widely used for years, how to make the games to become very attractive, immersive, etc, is still worthy of exploration. We found that most of those popular online games have competitive mechanism in the game. In addition, we also found that most of traditional competitive activities often divide students into several groups for cooperation and competition. This method often lacks of a competitive environment that get students into the situation. Thus we proposed to design and implement a digital game-based learning system, called Mei-chu game online. This game applies competitive mechanism and combines with the real-life competitive environment of traditional inter-school competition between T and C university in northern Taiwan. Through Mei-chu game online, we hope that the game can inspire students’ learning motivation and enhance students’ engagement. In order to know the effects of using Mei-chu game online, 88 college freshmen from T and C universities participated in this experiment from November 2012 to December 2012.The 88 students used Mei-chu game online learning system for two weeks. After analyzing the data and feedback, the research finding shows that: (1) Mei-chu game online can improve students’ learning outcomes, especially for the students with lower cognitions; (2) Competitive mechanism and the score of post-test present a significant positive correlation; (3) The competitive mechanism and the real-life competitive environment can enhance the degree of involvement and engagement so that they can inspire students’ learning motivation. In summary, both competitive mechanism and the real-life competitive environment have positive effects in this study. Finally, the research indicate some improvement suggestions


