  • 學位論文

台灣傳統節慶之行銷 -以2013台灣燈會為例

The Taiwan Lantern Festival 2013 as Event Marketing for Traditional Festivals – A Case Study

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


摘要 慶典的起源往往來自文化以及生活環境,大部分也都來自祖先的智慧延伸以及生活經驗的累積。以往,這些慶典帶有祭祀與敬畏的含義,希望可以傳承古老的文化以及藉由慶典穩固生活價值,而利用這些生活環境中有關的紀念日與經典事件往往可以藉由集結的力量,擴散出組織的含義,除了讓地區性民眾認同之外,更加擴大該地區與其他地區環境與文化的差異,達到發展焦點城市的概念。 在台灣傳統慶典中不難發現,台灣的節慶往往帶有敬天敬人的含義。舉凡中秋節乃為遠古時代有十個太陽,人民生活相當困苦,后羿勇敢的射日解救了芸芸眾生,而妻子遠奔月亮的淒美故事。端午節紀念之愛國詩人屈原其憂國憂民的情懷,投江之後人民不捨而紛紛將糯米投入江中,期待魚蝦可以不要啃食其身軀,帶給傳頌後代愛國情操的佳話。而元宵節的由來乃是在農曆新年後首個十五月圓的夜晚,天際在月光的照映之下讓我們可以看見神與靈來到凡間的傳說。夜間民眾舉起火把,四處去尋覓神秘而不可知的一切。轉而到現代,大家開始提起燈籠,製作起大型花燈,結合地區性的特色,發展出一年一度的台灣燈會,做出差異化的行銷概念,凸顯台灣在國際上的能見度。因此除了傳統節慶的舉辦之外,更可以加強地區性的特色,利用差異化的概念達到擴展社會與經濟層面的成長,凸顯國家獨有的傳統文化。 台灣燈會為每年既定的傳統節慶,每年的燈會參觀人數與商機都相當可觀。行銷方式也有相當大的差異,本研究將以實際施作的角度出發,採用大量第一手資料闡述傳統節慶的歷史發展與行銷規劃。


地區行銷 節慶行銷


Abstract Festivals origin from culture, within which inherited concepts and life values are embedded. The differences of one festival from another usually form shared meanings for certain community contributing to its cultural and social identities. It is the variations among the traditional festivals in Taiwan that make community-oriented event marketing well function. Consequently, this conceptual differentiation, based on the niche of traditional culture, expands the developments of society and economics. The Taiwan lantern Festival, hosted as a culture-based event by different local governments of Taiwan, plays both a significant role in social and cultural identities of Taiwanese people and a creative part in the development of cultural and creative Industries of Taiwan as well. Meanwhile, the marketing strategies of which are diverse. This research in this sense was aimed at the practices of event marketing of the annual Taiwan Lantern Festival tackling its history, culture, and marketing. An abundant amount of precious first-hand materials as well as resources were gathered and the method of data analysis was employed. Several meaningful findings pertaining to how events were worked and what responsive strategies were applied were provided




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