  • 學位論文


Study of Periodic-poling Techniques and Green light Beat Wave Laser Generation Using PPMgo:CLN with chirp periodicity

指導教授 : 楊士禮


吾人使用了高電壓方式製作出的週期性極化反轉晶體,其準相位匹配(Quasi-phase matching)原理及技術拓展了非線性晶體的應用範圍及提升了非線性轉換的效率。而SHG所產生的綠光雷射對於軍事、遠距離量測、全彩顯示器、資料儲存上扮演重要的角色。 本論文致力於製作週期性極化反轉鈮酸鋰、鉭酸鋰和參雜5%氧化鎂的鈮酸鋰晶體,為了得到此三種極化反轉晶體,吾人測試了晶體的矯頑電場、穩定時間及其他製程的方式,最後使用了高電壓固態及液態製程技術製作出極化反轉的鈮酸鋰、鉭酸鋰和參雜5%氧化鎂的鈮酸鋰晶體,若再考慮晶體的光損害閥值及等效非線性系數,吾人選用了參雜5%氧化鎂的鈮酸鋰晶體來產生綠光拍頻雷射為佳,並在最後使用多發脈衝的方法成功克服5%氧化鎂的鈮酸鋰晶體漏電流嚴重的問題,製作了週期性極化反轉參雜5%氧化鎂的鈮酸鋰晶體,其長度為3 cm,寬度0.55 cm,厚度為1 mm。 1064 nm 脈衝雷射和1543 nm和1539 nm Fiber 雷射入射至OPA晶體後,並接續著吾人所製作的週期性極化反轉參雜5%氧化鎂的鈮酸鋰晶體,使其波長為1064 nm的拍頻波倍頻至532 nm拍頻波,並在532 nm產生多根的頻率,而週期性極化反轉參雜5%氧化鎂的鈮酸鋰晶體產生的效率扣除晶體的端面反射,最高效率約有38%以上。


We used high voltage to make a periodically poled crystal, and the QPM(quasi-phase matching) technique not only expands the applications in many domain but also get up the conversion efficiency of non-linear optics. Using the second harmonic generation(SHG) got the green light laser could apply to the military, long distance measurements, full colors display and data storage. The dissertation was devoted to fabricating periodically poled Lithium Niobate, Lithium Tantalite and 5% Mgo doped Lithium Niobate crystal. In order to get periodically poled crystals, we test the coercive field, stabilization time and parameters on other fabrications. In finally, we had succeeded in fabricating PPLT, PPLN and PPMgo:CLN. Considering about the optical damage threshold and non-linear coefficient, so we choose the 5% Mgo doped Lithium Niobate and using multiple pulses fabricated 3cm-long, 5.5mm-width and 1mm-thickness PPMgo:CLN to generate green light laser. When pumped with the pulse laser 1064 nm and fiber laser 1543 nm and 1539 nm into the OPA, the OPA generates 1064 nm beat wave into PPMgo:CLN (the temperate of the oven is 80oC) produces 532 nm beat wave. Considering no the loss of the reflector, the total conversion efficiency is about 38%.


PPMgo:CLN beat wave poling


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