  • 學位論文


Synthesis of ZnO Based Nanostructures and Applications in Gas Sensors and Light Emitting Diodes

指導教授 : 陳力俊


Synthesis and applications of ZnO nanostructure have been investigated. Based on the environmental concern and energy issue, ZnO-based nanostructures, fabricated by low-cost, large-scale aqueous method, have been applied to ethanol and CO gas sensing as well as light emitting diodes (LEDs). With applied voltage to aqueous solution, the impurity Co atoms have been effective to be doped into ZnO lattice. The cathodoluminescence (CL) peaks of different concentrations of Co-doped ZnO nanostructures are discussed. Meanwhile, high temperature ferromagnetism was observed in both 0.25% and 1% Co-doped ZnO nanostructures at 350 K. Efforts have been made to the synthesis of ZnO-based nanostructures, understanding of its physical properties, and integration into potential devices in the research. The thesis covers synthesis of ZnO-based nanostructures and its potential applications as fellow: (1) ZnO/ZnGa2O4 core-shell heterogeneous structure and ZnGa2O4 nanotubes, (2) unique hexagonal ring-like superstructures (HRLSs) based on the oriented attachment of single-crystalline Co-doped ZnO nanorods of hexagonal shape, (3) ZnO-based sensors applied to ethanol and CO sensing, (4) inorganic/organic heterostructure light emitting diodes consisting of ZnO-based nanorod and p-type polymer (PSS-PEDOT).


基於氧化鋅具有獨特的性質及多樣的奈米結構,本論文探討氧化鋅的合成。 近來環保及能源議題的重視日與劇增,利用低成本大面積的水熱法形成的氧化鋅奈米結構,也成功應用在酒精和一氧化碳的偵測,及發光二極體的元件製作。我們將水溶液外加電壓,有效的摻雜鈷原子進氧化鋅晶格內,也研究了不同的摻雜量對於陰極發光性質的影響。另外,發現摻雜0.25% and 1% 鈷的氧化鋅奈米結構,具有室溫鐵磁性(350K)。 本論文的主體為合成出不同的氧化鋅為主體的奈米結構,觀察探討其物理性質,製作成各種元件,並尋找更進一步的可能發展。 本論文包含了以下的氧化鋅相關奈米結構合成及潛力應用:(1)合成氧化鋅/四氧化二鎵鋅的核-殼奈米異質結構及四氧化二鎵鋅奈米管、(2)優選方向堆疊,單晶鈷摻雜六角環狀氧化鋅奈米線,自組裝成環狀結構、(3)氧化鋅相關奈米結構應用在酒精與一氧化碳氣體偵測、(4)氧化鋅奈米棒與p-型高分子組成的有機無機異質結構發光二極體。


ZnO sensor low-temperature LED Co hexagonal


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