  • 學位論文


Research and Development of Human Finger Stiffness Measurement System through Mechatronic Integration of Hand Wearable Robotic Device

指導教授 : 張禎元


機器人產業之發展層面從原本的工業與軍事上,漸漸推廣至醫學和復健工程之中,復健型態的輔助機械人為現今研究之主流,其中包含下肢與上肢穿戴式機械輔具。於國內外相關研究文獻指出,復健療程的密集度、重複性、復健量之多寡與治療效果有相當密切的關係,且與身體機能受到損傷後的黃金復健恢復期也有相當密切的關聯,若能在這段時期,提供病患密集且有效的治療,對病人肢體功能的恢復情況將會有相當大的幫助。現今復健療程上需藉由醫師與物理復建師的臨床經驗來決定病人所需之治療與方式,這樣的診斷方式未能提供即時量化依據,且治療策略將因醫療人員之個人評斷所主導這可能會降低了病人復健的效率,更可能無形之中耗費額外之醫療成本,因此能對病人手部受傷之程度進行量化的數據量測與判定為本研究欲探討的目標。 本研究為設計與實作手掌型穿戴式輔具,為手部關節活動受限或中樞週邊神經損傷病患所開發的手部穿戴式輔具,透過外部機械手結構來協助病患進行重複動作的復健療程,只需藉由醫師與物理復建師的控制,透過機器與病人進行復健。本研究除了對手掌型穿戴輔具進行開發之外,亦提出於輔具中加入剛性量測系統的概念,來量測外骨骼結構工作時的剛性,透過這些量測所得到之數值,來判斷系統的等效剛性大小。應用上可透過系統測量到之數值,來定義病人的肢體剛性,,將量化之數據給醫師參考,醫師便可針對病人個案進行適合的復健療程。


The development of robotics has gradually advanced from industrial and military use to medical nursing and rehabilitation use. Physical rehabilitation robotics has become the main stream in the medical application, including upper and lower limb rehabilitation robotic devices. Investigated researches in the global have shown that the intensity, repeatability, and the amount of rehabilitation in the process are directly related to the results of the rehabilitation process. Also, the preferable time for rehabilitation process for each patient is crucial the rehabilitation results. The patents will have beneficial recovery results if patents are able to undergo proper rehabilitation process on the preferable time set by the doctors. The method of rehabilitation process is decided by the clinical experience of the doctors and therapists; thus, different rehabilitation methods chosen by the doctors and therapist might lower the result of the rehabilitation process and raise the unnecessary medical cost. The purpose of this study is to design and develop a wearable robotic device for human hand, which focuses on patents who lost their range of motion limitation in their hand movement and suffered from nervous system diseases. The aim of this rehabilitation device is to assist patents in performing repeating hand movement rehabilitation. Also, doctors and therapist can control the setting rehabilitation device to fulfill the needs of the patents. Not only did this study focus on the design and development of a wearable robotic device for human hand but also develop the stiffness measurement system for robotic device. The measured data can be used to determine the level of healthiness of patents' hand in order for the doctors and therapist to decide the appropriate rehabilitation therapy for each individual. Through the development of the rehabilitation device and stiffness measurement system, doctors and therapists can be provided with real time result data to assist them in rehabilitation diagnosis and treatment.


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